Study of Neutrino Oscillation and Dissipative Effects in LBNE

  • Oliveira, Roberto L.N.
  • de Gouvêa, André
  • Guzzo, Marcelo M.
Publication date
June 2016
Elsevier B.V.


AbstractIn this work we make a brief phenomenological study for three neutrino oscillation taking into account the matter effect from the open quantum system approach. Open quantum system approach has a rigorous set of the statements and when it is applied on neutrino oscillation, due to dissipative phenomena, the neutrinos may exhibit new and peculiar effects, in special, decoherence and relaxation effects. We use the most effective quantum dissipators and we study how change the neutrino behavior considering the LBNE configuration. In particular, we show how each kind of dissipative effect is linked to each mixing angle and consequently, as the new effects are described in the survival and appearance probabilities. Interesting enough, in ...

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