AbstractThe leading edge bluntness effects on inlet boundary layer transition had been studied based on a typical hypersonic two-dimensional inlet. Four leading edge radii(R=0.05mm, R =0.1mm, R =0.2mm, R =0.25mm) had been experimented in FD-07 wind tunnel, including natural transition and artificial transition. The location of boundary layer transition was identified through the corner pressure distribution characteristics and inlet starting, by this method, we had obtained the regular of boundary layer transition location with the leading edge radii. Experimental results showed that, under the wind tunnel condition, the boundary layer transition location moved down stream with increasing the leading edge radius. The inlet would not start f...
Bluntness e¨ect of gas-compressing wedges on starting and §ow structure in an air inlet was investig...
An investigation to determine the effects of leading-edge bluntness on the characteristics of lamina...
The paper presents the research of the numerical simulation techniques and the preliminary experimen...
AbstractThe leading edge bluntness effects on inlet boundary layer transition had been studied based...
Flow and heat transfer inside a generic inlet are investigated experimentally. The cross section of ...
Condtions encountered in the high Mach number flow regime are show to profoundly affect the longitud...
The influence of leading-edge geometry on boundary-layer transition on a hollow cylinder aligned wit...
The effect of geometric forward-facing steps on boundary layer transition was experimentally investi...
AbstractThe effect of geometric forward-facing steps on boundary layer transition was experimentally...
The boundary layer transition along the attachment line of a smooth swept circular cylinder in hyper...
Wind-tunnel testing of a hypersonic inlet with rectangular-to-elliptical shape transition has been c...
The ability to predict the onset of boundary-layer transition is critical for hypersonic flight vehi...
This paper performs direct numerical simulations of hypersonic boundary layer transition over a Hype...
This article reviews the hypersonic laminar-turbulent boundary layer transition over a blunt circula...
In this Letter, hypersonic boundary-layer transition was investigated on a large-scale cone with a h...
Bluntness e¨ect of gas-compressing wedges on starting and §ow structure in an air inlet was investig...
An investigation to determine the effects of leading-edge bluntness on the characteristics of lamina...
The paper presents the research of the numerical simulation techniques and the preliminary experimen...
AbstractThe leading edge bluntness effects on inlet boundary layer transition had been studied based...
Flow and heat transfer inside a generic inlet are investigated experimentally. The cross section of ...
Condtions encountered in the high Mach number flow regime are show to profoundly affect the longitud...
The influence of leading-edge geometry on boundary-layer transition on a hollow cylinder aligned wit...
The effect of geometric forward-facing steps on boundary layer transition was experimentally investi...
AbstractThe effect of geometric forward-facing steps on boundary layer transition was experimentally...
The boundary layer transition along the attachment line of a smooth swept circular cylinder in hyper...
Wind-tunnel testing of a hypersonic inlet with rectangular-to-elliptical shape transition has been c...
The ability to predict the onset of boundary-layer transition is critical for hypersonic flight vehi...
This paper performs direct numerical simulations of hypersonic boundary layer transition over a Hype...
This article reviews the hypersonic laminar-turbulent boundary layer transition over a blunt circula...
In this Letter, hypersonic boundary-layer transition was investigated on a large-scale cone with a h...
Bluntness e¨ect of gas-compressing wedges on starting and §ow structure in an air inlet was investig...
An investigation to determine the effects of leading-edge bluntness on the characteristics of lamina...
The paper presents the research of the numerical simulation techniques and the preliminary experimen...