AbstractWe generalize Arveson's extension theorem for completely positive mappings [1] to a Hahn-Banach principle for matricial sublinear functionals with values in an injective C∗-algebra or an ideal in B(H). We characterize injective W∗-algebras by a matricial order condition. We illustrate the matricial Hahn-Banach principle by three applications: (1) Let A, B, b be unital C∗-algebras, b a subalgebra of A and B, B injective. If ϑ: A → B is a completely bounded self-adjoint b-bihomomorphism, then it can be expressed as the difference of two completely positive b-bihomomorphism. (2) Let M be a W∗-algebra, containing 1H, on a Hilbert space H. If M is finite and hyperfinite, there exists an invariant expectation mapping P of B(H) onto M′. P ...
textabstractWe consider one of the basic results of functional analysis, the classical theorem of Ha...
For C*-algebras A and B and a Hilbert space H, a class of bilinear maps Φ: A× B → L(H), analogous to...
Here are some references and telegraphic notes on completely positive maps of operator algebras. No ...
AbstractWe generalize Arveson's extension theorem for completely positive mappings [1] to a Hahn-Ban...
AbstractThis paper concerns Banach ∗-algebras which are nonunital or have bounded approximate identi...
Extension theorems such as the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem are a central idea of functional analys...
AbstractWe prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for a given partially positive matrix to ...
This is an English translation of the original article written in FrenchInternational audienceLet $A...
In this paper, we study two properties viz., property-U and property-SU of a subspace Y of a Banach ...
AbstractThe classical Hahn-Banach Theorem states that any linear bounded functional defined on a lin...
Arveson's extension theorem guarantees that every completely positive map defined on an operator sys...
We show that it is impossible to prove the existence of a linear (bounded or unbounded) functional o...
A completely positive operator valued linear map φon a (not necessarily unital) Banach *-algebra wit...
AbstractLet E be a Banach lattice and E0 an ideal of E. Let f be a positive norm-bounded order conti...
The family of all extensions of a nonclosable hermitian positive linear functional defined on a dens...
textabstractWe consider one of the basic results of functional analysis, the classical theorem of Ha...
For C*-algebras A and B and a Hilbert space H, a class of bilinear maps Φ: A× B → L(H), analogous to...
Here are some references and telegraphic notes on completely positive maps of operator algebras. No ...
AbstractWe generalize Arveson's extension theorem for completely positive mappings [1] to a Hahn-Ban...
AbstractThis paper concerns Banach ∗-algebras which are nonunital or have bounded approximate identi...
Extension theorems such as the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem are a central idea of functional analys...
AbstractWe prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for a given partially positive matrix to ...
This is an English translation of the original article written in FrenchInternational audienceLet $A...
In this paper, we study two properties viz., property-U and property-SU of a subspace Y of a Banach ...
AbstractThe classical Hahn-Banach Theorem states that any linear bounded functional defined on a lin...
Arveson's extension theorem guarantees that every completely positive map defined on an operator sys...
We show that it is impossible to prove the existence of a linear (bounded or unbounded) functional o...
A completely positive operator valued linear map φon a (not necessarily unital) Banach *-algebra wit...
AbstractLet E be a Banach lattice and E0 an ideal of E. Let f be a positive norm-bounded order conti...
The family of all extensions of a nonclosable hermitian positive linear functional defined on a dens...
textabstractWe consider one of the basic results of functional analysis, the classical theorem of Ha...
For C*-algebras A and B and a Hilbert space H, a class of bilinear maps Φ: A× B → L(H), analogous to...
Here are some references and telegraphic notes on completely positive maps of operator algebras. No ...