Every economic activity of public legal bodies, and similarly with the activities of public-legal bodies in awarding public contracts to business partners, is subject to the rules of market competition. In order to secure free market competition, and market oriented activity of public legal bodies, the European Union, with its rules, limits the activity of public power and forces it to act in a market oriented way in its economic activities. The legal inheritance of the Union which is related to the awarding of public contracts (on public procurement, concessions and public-private partnership) is based on general principles which arise from the Agreement on the Establishment of the European Union, and from the court practice of the Europe...
The General Administrative Procedure Act of 2009 represents a significant novelty in Croatian admini...
Specifics of the contracting process for award of the public contract Abstract The rigorous thesis d...
The theme of bachelor paper – current legal problems in awarding public procurement contracts, being...
Svaka ekonomska aktivnost javnopravnog tijela, pa tako i aktivnosti javnopravnog tijela na dodjeli j...
Amendment of public contract Abstract Amendment of public contract is a small but important part of ...
Public contracts constitute a special method of making contracts, where one side is represented by a...
Modification of a Public Contract This thesis deals with the regulation of modifications made to pub...
Administrative contracts in Croatian legislation represent a novelty introduced into the General Adm...
The authors of this paper discuss the issues of Croatian public procurement law and its harmonisatio...
Public procurement in Croatia was legislatively regulated for the first time in 1997. The system for...
In this paper the authors analyse the legal nature of concession contract after the General Adiminis...
This article provides a general analysis of competition law and then focuses on competition-related ...
Javna nabava predstavlja skup propisa kojima je uređeno financiranje robe, usluga i radova iz drž...
Javna nabava je aktivnost koju sukladno Zakonu o javnoj nabavi provode javni i sektorski naručitelj...
The article presents the general characteristics and peculiarities of the legal regulatio...
The General Administrative Procedure Act of 2009 represents a significant novelty in Croatian admini...
Specifics of the contracting process for award of the public contract Abstract The rigorous thesis d...
The theme of bachelor paper – current legal problems in awarding public procurement contracts, being...
Svaka ekonomska aktivnost javnopravnog tijela, pa tako i aktivnosti javnopravnog tijela na dodjeli j...
Amendment of public contract Abstract Amendment of public contract is a small but important part of ...
Public contracts constitute a special method of making contracts, where one side is represented by a...
Modification of a Public Contract This thesis deals with the regulation of modifications made to pub...
Administrative contracts in Croatian legislation represent a novelty introduced into the General Adm...
The authors of this paper discuss the issues of Croatian public procurement law and its harmonisatio...
Public procurement in Croatia was legislatively regulated for the first time in 1997. The system for...
In this paper the authors analyse the legal nature of concession contract after the General Adiminis...
This article provides a general analysis of competition law and then focuses on competition-related ...
Javna nabava predstavlja skup propisa kojima je uređeno financiranje robe, usluga i radova iz drž...
Javna nabava je aktivnost koju sukladno Zakonu o javnoj nabavi provode javni i sektorski naručitelj...
The article presents the general characteristics and peculiarities of the legal regulatio...
The General Administrative Procedure Act of 2009 represents a significant novelty in Croatian admini...
Specifics of the contracting process for award of the public contract Abstract The rigorous thesis d...
The theme of bachelor paper – current legal problems in awarding public procurement contracts, being...