AbstractThe Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 was awarded to the developers of modern optical fluorescence microscopy techniques that allow imaging of living systems with nanometer resolution. These methodologies also allow for the time-resolved tracking of chemical and biochemical processes at the single molecule level. The works of Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell and William E. Moerner have given us extraordinary tools to study biological systems at unprecedented levels of spatial resolution.ResumenEl Premio Nobel de Química del 2014 se otorgó a los desarrolladores de las técnicas más modernas de microscopía óptica de fluorescencia. Estas metodologías permiten obtener imágenes de sistemas vivos con una resolución espacial de nanómetros. Además, g...
Super-resolution or super resolved fluorescence microscopy, as indicated in the Chemistry Nobel Priz...
desarrollos de modelos multiescala aplicados a sistemas químicos complejos. Desde la aproximación má...
Le prix Nobel de chimie 2008 a été attribué à un chercheur japonais, Osumo Shimomura (Marine Biologi...
El Premi Nobel de Química 2014 va ser concedit als investigadors Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell ...
AbstractThe Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 was awarded to the developers of modern optical fluorescen...
A big honor for small objects: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 was jointly awarded to Eric Betzig,...
Możliwości obrazowania za pomocą mikroskopów optycznych przez długi czas były ograniczone przez tzw....
Niniejszy artykuł opisuje prace Erica Betziga, Stefana W. Hella i Williama E. Moernera, które doprow...
The 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded jointly to William E. Moerner, Stefan W. Hell, an...
The 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell, and William E. Moerner “fo...
Thanks to the properties of certain fluorophores, biological systems can be viewed at resolutions fa...
Nobel Prize in chemistry for developing new methods that let microscopes see finer details than they...
El Premio Nobel de Química del 2008 ha sido otorgado a Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie y Roger Y. Ts...
A grand scientific prize was awarded last year to three pioneering scientists, for their discovery a...
Super-resolution or super resolved fluorescence microscopy, as indicated in the Chemistry Nobel Priz...
desarrollos de modelos multiescala aplicados a sistemas químicos complejos. Desde la aproximación má...
Le prix Nobel de chimie 2008 a été attribué à un chercheur japonais, Osumo Shimomura (Marine Biologi...
El Premi Nobel de Química 2014 va ser concedit als investigadors Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell ...
AbstractThe Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 was awarded to the developers of modern optical fluorescen...
A big honor for small objects: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 was jointly awarded to Eric Betzig,...
Możliwości obrazowania za pomocą mikroskopów optycznych przez długi czas były ograniczone przez tzw....
Niniejszy artykuł opisuje prace Erica Betziga, Stefana W. Hella i Williama E. Moernera, które doprow...
The 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded jointly to William E. Moerner, Stefan W. Hell, an...
The 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell, and William E. Moerner “fo...
Thanks to the properties of certain fluorophores, biological systems can be viewed at resolutions fa...
Nobel Prize in chemistry for developing new methods that let microscopes see finer details than they...
El Premio Nobel de Química del 2008 ha sido otorgado a Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie y Roger Y. Ts...
A grand scientific prize was awarded last year to three pioneering scientists, for their discovery a...
Super-resolution or super resolved fluorescence microscopy, as indicated in the Chemistry Nobel Priz...
desarrollos de modelos multiescala aplicados a sistemas químicos complejos. Desde la aproximación má...
Le prix Nobel de chimie 2008 a été attribué à un chercheur japonais, Osumo Shimomura (Marine Biologi...