AbstractThis volume contains the proceedings of the FCT′99 Workshop on Distributed Systems held on 2-3 September 1999 in Iassy, Romania as a satellite event to FCT′99 — the 12th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory.Topics: The declared aim of the workshop was to select papers presenting new results in active areas of formal methods applied to distributed systems.The Programme Committee consisted of M. Broy (Munich, D)B. Moller (Augsburg, D)R. Diaconescu (Bucharest, RO)F. Moller (Uppsala, S)J. Esparza (Munich, D)A. Ponse (Amsterdam, NL)J.F. Groote (Amsterdam, NL)T. Rus (Iowa City, USA)R. Grosu (Philadelphia, USA)E. Stark (Stony Brock, USA)M. Kanovitch (Moscow, RU)Gh. Stefanescu (Bucharest, RO) - chairD. Lucanu (I...