AbstractINTRODUCTIONBullet embolism, an uncommon but serious complication of penetrating vascular trauma, poses a unique clinical challenge for the trauma physician. Migration of bullets can lead to infection, thrombosis, ischemia, hemorrhage and death.PRESENTATION OF CASEWe report a patient in whom a bullet embolized from the left femoral vein to the right pulmonary artery, a situation ultimately managed by observation alone.DISCUSSIONBullet embolism should be suspected when the number of penetrating entry wounds exceeds the number of exit wounds. Patients with radiographic studies showing a bullet outside the established trajectory require further evaluation. Most bullet emboli are arterial, and are generally symptomatic presenting with e...
AbstractMissile pulmonary emboli are rare sequelae of traumatic entry of projectile missiles—general...
Background/Introduction: Deaths related to firearms are common within the United States with most ca...
Pulmonary embolism caused by a foreign body is an exceedingly rare event. We report on a 62 year old...
AbstractINTRODUCTIONBullet embolism, an uncommon but serious complication of penetrating vascular tr...
Bullet embolization of the pulmonary artery is a very rare event. When a bullet enters the pulmonary...
Introduction: Bullet emboli occur when bullets migrate from an entry point to an abnormal endpoint v...
The authors report the case of a patient victim of gunshots, with a very rare complication: venous b...
Abstract Background Vascular embolization of a projectile discharged from a weapon is a rare event. ...
The rarity of bullet emboli leads to frequent delays in diagnosis and inadequate early management. O...
Abstract Bullet embolization of the arterial or venous systems is a rare complication of penetratin...
AbstractINTRODUCTIONVascular bullet embolism is a rare phenomenon with fewer than 200 cases reported...
Introduction. Bullet embolism is a special form of embolism, where embolus is either a bullet or it...
Penetrating trauma is usually divided into stab and gunshot wounds (GSW). When considering GSW, the ...
Bullet embolism (be) is a rare entity that can have life-threatening consequences. Due to its low fr...
Copyright © 2013 Saptarshi Biswas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creati...
AbstractMissile pulmonary emboli are rare sequelae of traumatic entry of projectile missiles—general...
Background/Introduction: Deaths related to firearms are common within the United States with most ca...
Pulmonary embolism caused by a foreign body is an exceedingly rare event. We report on a 62 year old...
AbstractINTRODUCTIONBullet embolism, an uncommon but serious complication of penetrating vascular tr...
Bullet embolization of the pulmonary artery is a very rare event. When a bullet enters the pulmonary...
Introduction: Bullet emboli occur when bullets migrate from an entry point to an abnormal endpoint v...
The authors report the case of a patient victim of gunshots, with a very rare complication: venous b...
Abstract Background Vascular embolization of a projectile discharged from a weapon is a rare event. ...
The rarity of bullet emboli leads to frequent delays in diagnosis and inadequate early management. O...
Abstract Bullet embolization of the arterial or venous systems is a rare complication of penetratin...
AbstractINTRODUCTIONVascular bullet embolism is a rare phenomenon with fewer than 200 cases reported...
Introduction. Bullet embolism is a special form of embolism, where embolus is either a bullet or it...
Penetrating trauma is usually divided into stab and gunshot wounds (GSW). When considering GSW, the ...
Bullet embolism (be) is a rare entity that can have life-threatening consequences. Due to its low fr...
Copyright © 2013 Saptarshi Biswas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creati...
AbstractMissile pulmonary emboli are rare sequelae of traumatic entry of projectile missiles—general...
Background/Introduction: Deaths related to firearms are common within the United States with most ca...
Pulmonary embolism caused by a foreign body is an exceedingly rare event. We report on a 62 year old...