AbstractWe show that one can find two nonisomorphic curves over a field K that become isomorphic to one another over two finite extensions of K whose degrees over K are coprime to one another.More specifically, let K0 be an arbitrary prime field and let r>1 and s>1 be integers that are coprime to one another. We show that one can find a finite extension K of K0, a degree-r extension L of K, a degree-s extension M of K, and two curves C and D over K such that C and D become isomorphic to one another over L and over M, but not over any proper subextensions of L/K or M/K.We show that such C and D can never have genus 0, and that if K is finite, C and D can have genus 1 if and only if {r,s}={2,3} and K is an odd-degree extension of F3. On the o...