AbstractLet P be a polynomial with a connected Julia set J. We use continuum theory to show that it admits a finest monotone map φ onto a locally connected continuum J∼P, i.e. a monotone map φ:J→J∼P such that for any other monotone map ψ:J→J′ there exists a monotone map h with ψ=h∘φ. Then we extend φ onto the complex plane C (keeping the same notation) and show that φ monotonically semiconjugates P|C to a topological polynomial g:C→C. If P does not have Siegel or Cremer periodic points this gives an alternative proof of Kiwi's fundamental results on locally connected models of dynamics on the Julia sets, but the results hold for all polynomials with connected Julia sets. We also give a characterization and a useful sufficient condition for ...