"1910" -- cassette. Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, meetings, 1991 June 6, 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Suite 1910, 19th Floor, 400 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California, USA. Executive session. Present are Warren Christopher, Kathy Conway, Roy Anderson, John A. Arguelles, Leonardo F. Estrada, Ernest Getto, Mickey Kantor, Richard N. Mosk, Andrea Sheridan Ordin, John Brooks Slaughter, Robert E. Tranquada, John Spiegel, John Sherrell, and Gilbert Ray. See "Independent Commission, hearing transcript, 1991-06-06" ( http://doi.org/10.25549/independent-c69-16678 ). ❧ Testimony of Michael J. Bostic (commander, LAPD). ❧ Testimony of Ernest Curtsinger (St. Petersburg Police Department). ❧ Testimony of Tom Bradley (mayor,...