Kim Richards (Latham & Watkins), 633 West 5th Street, Los Angeles, California, USA, memorandum, 1991 May 20, to Independent Commission file, re Interview of Gary Casselman, Floyd Cranmore and Roger Guydon (3 copies). ❧ Brad Seiling (Manatt, Phelps & Phillips), Los Angeles, California, USA, memorandum (sent by telefacsimile), to Independent Commission witness file, re Gary Casselman witness file (3 copies). PART OF A SERIES: Latham & Watkins researched a total of 83 civil litigation cases brought against the LAPD pertaining to excessive force and/or improper tactics to ascertain whether the Rodney King incident was in fact the aberration that Chief Daryl Gates described. Included in the series are several materials related to the firm’s inve...