Sylvia Stein (Latham & Watkins), 633 West 5th Street, Los Angeles, California, USA, memorandum, 1991 June 27, to Kim Richards, re Crime and violence statistics and LAPD demographics. With: 1) Table 1. Index of crime, United States, 1980-1989; 2) Tables 5 and 6. Offenses known to the police... years 1980-1988 (note: 1983, 1986, and 1989 statistics were unavilable at the time this research was completed); 3) Table 7. Law enforcement officers assaulted, 1980-1989, type of weapon and percent receiving personal injury; 4) Table 12. Law enforcement officers feloniously killed, 1980-1989, cercumstances at scene of incident; 5) Sworn personnel by rank, sex, and ethnicity, February 21, 1991; 6) Sworn personnel by rank, pay grade within rank, and age...