Rezumat. În prezentul articol se examinează conceptul de investiţii străine directe, importanţa şi solicitarea acestora la etapa actuală de dezvoltare a relaţiilor economice internaţionale, se atenţionează la tendinţa atragerii investiţiilor străine directe în economia ţărilor, în acest sens, demonstrîndu-se că investiţiile străine directe constituie una dintre cele mai dinamice forme de dezvoltare a economiei mondiale. Cu siguranţă, varietatea formelor investiţilor străine directe determină amploarea şi impactul multilateral pe care acestea le pot avea asupra dezvoltării social-economice a ţărilor recipiente de investiţii, ceea ce face examinarea investiţiilor străine directe ca unul dintre cei mai dinamici şi importanţi factori ai dezvo...
A corresponds to any flow of foreign direct investment (including loans) granted to foreign companie...
Foreign direct investments represent one of the ways of financing any economy. But like any source ...
This paper comes to analyse the foreign direct investments on the Romanian economy by an...
Rezumat În condiţiile actuale, dezvoltarea economiei mondiale şi a relaţiilor economice internaţion...
Rezumat. În economia mondială contemporană, practic nu există state neincluse în procesele interna...
During the last years the Republic of Moldova becomes to be more and more integrated to the internat...
The need for capital investment, which amounts to a level well above current economic possibilities,...
Foreign direct investments represent the most important and stable source of externalfinancing of al...
Maģistra darbā „Ārvalstu tiešās investīcijas kā ekonomiskās izaugsmes faktors” ir analizēta ārvalstu...
Attracting of foreign direct investments (FDI) has becoming increasingly researched worldwide as the...
<p>The aptitude of a state to take part in global activity is a significant sign of its performance ...
ct In all the factors on which growth and economic development depend, investments play a particula...
Thanks to a level of growth in foreign investment, the gap is narrowing between Romania and other Ea...
Paralelno s političkom tranzicijom zemalja Srednje i Istočne Europe događa se i ekonomska tranzicija...
A corresponds to any flow of foreign direct investment (including loans) granted to foreign companie...
Foreign direct investments represent one of the ways of financing any economy. But like any source ...
This paper comes to analyse the foreign direct investments on the Romanian economy by an...
Rezumat În condiţiile actuale, dezvoltarea economiei mondiale şi a relaţiilor economice internaţion...
Rezumat. În economia mondială contemporană, practic nu există state neincluse în procesele interna...
During the last years the Republic of Moldova becomes to be more and more integrated to the internat...
The need for capital investment, which amounts to a level well above current economic possibilities,...
Foreign direct investments represent the most important and stable source of externalfinancing of al...
Maģistra darbā „Ārvalstu tiešās investīcijas kā ekonomiskās izaugsmes faktors” ir analizēta ārvalstu...
Attracting of foreign direct investments (FDI) has becoming increasingly researched worldwide as the...
<p>The aptitude of a state to take part in global activity is a significant sign of its performance ...
ct In all the factors on which growth and economic development depend, investments play a particula...
Thanks to a level of growth in foreign investment, the gap is narrowing between Romania and other Ea...
Paralelno s političkom tranzicijom zemalja Srednje i Istočne Europe događa se i ekonomska tranzicija...
A corresponds to any flow of foreign direct investment (including loans) granted to foreign companie...
Foreign direct investments represent one of the ways of financing any economy. But like any source ...
This paper comes to analyse the foreign direct investments on the Romanian economy by an...