This article is about metalinguistic negation and the types of criteria making a straightforward distinction between descriptive (DN) and metalinguistic negation (MN). First, I will distinguish three types of negation: one type of DN and two types of MN, where MN1 is upward metalinguistic negation and MN2 presuppositional metalinguistic negation. This distinction is based on two semantic criteria (entailment and scope of negation), and one discursive or pragmatic criterion (connectives). Then, the use of the connective criterion will imply that 'mais''SN ' (Ger. 'sondern 'and Sp. 'sino') triggers 'DN', whereas 'mais''PA ' (Ger. 'aber', Sp. 'pero') licenses MN1 and a causal connective like 'parce que '‘because’ or 'puisque '‘since’ generates...