The purpose of this article is to construct the principles of business communication which is based the Qur ’an. The author uses deductive approach to analyze this topic. The steps are: (1) looking for some verses which are relevant, (2) analyzing the text, (3) analyzing the present context, and (4) making some conclusions. Specifically, the Qur’an is not talking about the problem of business communication but there are some verses that are explaining the principles of communication as qaulan balighan, qaulan maisuran, qaulan kariman, qaulan ma’rufan, qaulan layyinan, qaulan saddidan, and qaul al-Zur. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengkonstruksi prinsip-prinsip komunikasi bisnis berdasarkan al-Qur ’an sehingga dapat disimpulkan...