Rezumat. Conţinutul articolului dat reflectă semnificaţia comunicării verbale în soluţionarea diferitor probleme în construcţia Uniunii Europene. În procesul comunicării verbale se evidenţiază mai multe tipuri de comunicare. Acestea sunt frecvent utilizate în activitatea teoretică şi practică a edificării Uniunii Europene. Tipurile de comunicare verbale fără de care este imposibilă funcţionarea oricărei entităţi din Uniunea Europeană sunt argumentarea, dialogul şi polemica. Argumentaţia este un monolog. Un interes viu, însă prezintă dialogul şi polemica unde sunt implicate doi sau mai mulţi parteneri. Ambele sunt conştient utilizate, promovate, facilitate de către instituţiile Uniunii Europene. Se afirmă că dialogul este o alterna...
The meaning of dialogue can differ. In a very narrow sense it is defined as a reciprocal conversatio...
Arguing as the \uabdialogues\ubb in the era of planetary interdependence, of internationalisation of...
Ülkelerin ekonomik başarıya ulaşmalarında diyalog ve işbirliği büyük önem taşır. Sosyal diyalog, ort...
The concept of social dialogue is approached differently at international level. According to the de...
Since the Maastricht Treaty and the implementation of monetary union, the issue of social dialogue i...
The European social dialogue, which is the name given to the bipartite/tripartite work of the repres...
ABSTRACT: The problem of social dialogue and conceptual crystallization (Ștefanescu 2017) of this ph...
Ormai da alcuni anni, l'Unione Europea indica il dialogo sociale come lo strumento principe per prom...
Arguing as the ‘dialogues’ in the era of planetary interdependence, of internationalisation of human...
The European Social Dialogue, and its output, the European collective agreements, are intended to im...
Der Soziale Dialog im Sinne des EG-Vertrages ist eine Kommunikationsform zwischen Arbeitgeber- und A...
La présente recherche, issue d’une expérience de plusieurs années dans le secteur culturel roumain, ...
The lack of stable and clear structures for dialogue and negotiation at sectoral level represents a ...
The paper addresses the role of social partners in the European integration process. It gives an ove...
The history of European social dialogue dates back to the mid-1980s with the Val Duchesse social dia...
The meaning of dialogue can differ. In a very narrow sense it is defined as a reciprocal conversatio...
Arguing as the \uabdialogues\ubb in the era of planetary interdependence, of internationalisation of...
Ülkelerin ekonomik başarıya ulaşmalarında diyalog ve işbirliği büyük önem taşır. Sosyal diyalog, ort...
The concept of social dialogue is approached differently at international level. According to the de...
Since the Maastricht Treaty and the implementation of monetary union, the issue of social dialogue i...
The European social dialogue, which is the name given to the bipartite/tripartite work of the repres...
ABSTRACT: The problem of social dialogue and conceptual crystallization (Ștefanescu 2017) of this ph...
Ormai da alcuni anni, l'Unione Europea indica il dialogo sociale come lo strumento principe per prom...
Arguing as the ‘dialogues’ in the era of planetary interdependence, of internationalisation of human...
The European Social Dialogue, and its output, the European collective agreements, are intended to im...
Der Soziale Dialog im Sinne des EG-Vertrages ist eine Kommunikationsform zwischen Arbeitgeber- und A...
La présente recherche, issue d’une expérience de plusieurs années dans le secteur culturel roumain, ...
The lack of stable and clear structures for dialogue and negotiation at sectoral level represents a ...
The paper addresses the role of social partners in the European integration process. It gives an ove...
The history of European social dialogue dates back to the mid-1980s with the Val Duchesse social dia...
The meaning of dialogue can differ. In a very narrow sense it is defined as a reciprocal conversatio...
Arguing as the \uabdialogues\ubb in the era of planetary interdependence, of internationalisation of...
Ülkelerin ekonomik başarıya ulaşmalarında diyalog ve işbirliği büyük önem taşır. Sosyal diyalog, ort...