The acceptance of bitter, aversive, substances during early life is enhanced by stimulation with familiar, pre-exposed odors. Newborn rats exhibited heightened grasp responses toward an artificial nipple dispensing quinine, and drank more of this bitter solution, if concurrently stimulated with a lemon odor they had been exposed to shortly after birth. It yet unknown, however, if odors made familiar via normative developmental milestones also acquire modulatory influence upon seeking and intake of basic tastants. The current study assessed the influence of exposure to maternal odor on intake and grasp responses toward a surrogate nipple providing quinine, in 3-day (Experiment 1) or 12-day (Experiment 2) old, Wistar rat pups. The results rev...
The neuroscience of flavor perception is hence becoming increasingly important to understand food fl...
The development of taste aversion learning to novel cues contained in moth-er's milk was examin...
A focus on early development is critical for understanding the etiology of alcoholism. The observati...
Olfaction is of major importance during early stages of life in altricial species. This sense allows...
Early pre- or postnatal sensory experiences significantly influence flavor preference and food intak...
Rats exhibit a sensitive period from the time of birth until postnatal day 10 during which they deve...
Infant rats must learn to identify their mother’s diet-dependent odor. Once learned, maternal odor c...
Studies have shown that neonate rodents exhibit high ability to learn a preference for novel odors a...
Preweanling rat pups do not display an aversion to a flavor conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with il...
Odors emitted by mammalian mothers have an important influence on the behavioral and physical develo...
Human studies indicate that alcohol exposure during gestation not only increases the chance for late...
Understanding the developmental origins of congenital capabilities such as sucking is fundamental kn...
AbstractPrevious studies have shown that rats prefer an odor paired with saccharin solution to an od...
During the first ten postnatal days (P), infant rodents can learn olfactory preferences for novel od...
The taste reactivity test is considered as an objective measure to assess the hedonic impact of tast...
The neuroscience of flavor perception is hence becoming increasingly important to understand food fl...
The development of taste aversion learning to novel cues contained in moth-er's milk was examin...
A focus on early development is critical for understanding the etiology of alcoholism. The observati...
Olfaction is of major importance during early stages of life in altricial species. This sense allows...
Early pre- or postnatal sensory experiences significantly influence flavor preference and food intak...
Rats exhibit a sensitive period from the time of birth until postnatal day 10 during which they deve...
Infant rats must learn to identify their mother’s diet-dependent odor. Once learned, maternal odor c...
Studies have shown that neonate rodents exhibit high ability to learn a preference for novel odors a...
Preweanling rat pups do not display an aversion to a flavor conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with il...
Odors emitted by mammalian mothers have an important influence on the behavioral and physical develo...
Human studies indicate that alcohol exposure during gestation not only increases the chance for late...
Understanding the developmental origins of congenital capabilities such as sucking is fundamental kn...
AbstractPrevious studies have shown that rats prefer an odor paired with saccharin solution to an od...
During the first ten postnatal days (P), infant rodents can learn olfactory preferences for novel od...
The taste reactivity test is considered as an objective measure to assess the hedonic impact of tast...
The neuroscience of flavor perception is hence becoming increasingly important to understand food fl...
The development of taste aversion learning to novel cues contained in moth-er's milk was examin...
A focus on early development is critical for understanding the etiology of alcoholism. The observati...