Domesticated species occupy a special place in the human world due to their economic and cultural value. In the era of genomic research, domesticated species provide unique advantages for investigation of diseases and complex phenotypes. RNA sequencing, or RNA-seq, has recently emerged as a new approach for studying transcriptional activity of the whole genome, changing the focus from individual genes to gene networks. RNA-seq analysis in domesticated species may complement genome-wide association studies of complex traits with economic importance or direct relevance to biomedical research. However, RNA-seq studies are more challenging in domesticated species than in model organisms. These challenges are at least in part associated with the...
Recent advances in next-generation sequencing technology allow high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-S...
Background: Comparative genomics studies are central in identifying the coding and non-coding elemen...
In recent years, with the advent of next-generation sequencing along with the development of various...
Reference is regularly made to the power of new genomic sequencing approaches. Using powerful techno...
The era of high-throughput sequencing has made it relatively simple to sequence genomes and transcri...
The large potential of RNA sequencing and other ""omics"" techniques has contributed to the producti...
Abstract Chickens are remarkably versatile animals that are used as model organisms for biomedical r...
Next generation sequencing methods, such as RNA-seq, have permitted the exploration of gene expressi...
provides unprecedented access to sequence and ex-pression variation in the transcriptome [1,2] and a...
To the biomedical research community at large, understanding the content of the genome, particularly...
RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) has a wide variety of applications, but no single analysis pipeline can be ...
In recent years, the introduction of massively parallel sequencing platforms for Next Generation Seq...
Next-generation sequencing technologies have revolutionarily advanced sequence-based research with t...
RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) has a wide variety of applications, but no single analysis pipeline can be ...
Previous global RNA analysis was restricted to known transcripts in species with a defined transcrip...
Recent advances in next-generation sequencing technology allow high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-S...
Background: Comparative genomics studies are central in identifying the coding and non-coding elemen...
In recent years, with the advent of next-generation sequencing along with the development of various...
Reference is regularly made to the power of new genomic sequencing approaches. Using powerful techno...
The era of high-throughput sequencing has made it relatively simple to sequence genomes and transcri...
The large potential of RNA sequencing and other ""omics"" techniques has contributed to the producti...
Abstract Chickens are remarkably versatile animals that are used as model organisms for biomedical r...
Next generation sequencing methods, such as RNA-seq, have permitted the exploration of gene expressi...
provides unprecedented access to sequence and ex-pression variation in the transcriptome [1,2] and a...
To the biomedical research community at large, understanding the content of the genome, particularly...
RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) has a wide variety of applications, but no single analysis pipeline can be ...
In recent years, the introduction of massively parallel sequencing platforms for Next Generation Seq...
Next-generation sequencing technologies have revolutionarily advanced sequence-based research with t...
RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) has a wide variety of applications, but no single analysis pipeline can be ...
Previous global RNA analysis was restricted to known transcripts in species with a defined transcrip...
Recent advances in next-generation sequencing technology allow high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-S...
Background: Comparative genomics studies are central in identifying the coding and non-coding elemen...
In recent years, with the advent of next-generation sequencing along with the development of various...