I. Introduction; II. Jurisdiction; III. Crime Definition: Some Problems Related to the Subjective Element of Piracy Crime; IV. Conclusions
This chapter scrutinizes practical implications of the current issues of piracy in the international...
Maritime Piracy: A critical analysis of current prosecutorial challenges and shortcomings of interna...
This article deals with the problem of combating international crime related to violence at sea. The...
This article deals with the problem of combating international crime related to violence at sea. The...
This Note analyzes the current international legal framework for the punishment and prosecution of m...
Acts of piracy in contemporary international navigation have considerably increased and represent a ...
The crime of piracy at sea is one of the acts of violence or illegal detention, or any act of destru...
In terms of international law, piracy is regarded as a criminal conduct that threatens trade and int...
The crime of piracy at sea is one of the acts of violence or illegal detention, or any act of destru...
Jurisdictional Aspects of Repression of Piracy The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the jurisdic...
[From the introduction:]This thesis is an examination of the international law of maritime piracy.1 ...
The text Maritime Piracy, Its Suppression and Punishment, analyses piracy as a classical threat to i...
This book addresses maritime piracy by focusing on the unique and fascinating issues arising in the ...
The objective of this article is to analyse the current situation of the crime of piracy in the con...
It is widely asserted by courts and in legal scholarship that for hundreds of years universal jurisd...
This chapter scrutinizes practical implications of the current issues of piracy in the international...
Maritime Piracy: A critical analysis of current prosecutorial challenges and shortcomings of interna...
This article deals with the problem of combating international crime related to violence at sea. The...
This article deals with the problem of combating international crime related to violence at sea. The...
This Note analyzes the current international legal framework for the punishment and prosecution of m...
Acts of piracy in contemporary international navigation have considerably increased and represent a ...
The crime of piracy at sea is one of the acts of violence or illegal detention, or any act of destru...
In terms of international law, piracy is regarded as a criminal conduct that threatens trade and int...
The crime of piracy at sea is one of the acts of violence or illegal detention, or any act of destru...
Jurisdictional Aspects of Repression of Piracy The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the jurisdic...
[From the introduction:]This thesis is an examination of the international law of maritime piracy.1 ...
The text Maritime Piracy, Its Suppression and Punishment, analyses piracy as a classical threat to i...
This book addresses maritime piracy by focusing on the unique and fascinating issues arising in the ...
The objective of this article is to analyse the current situation of the crime of piracy in the con...
It is widely asserted by courts and in legal scholarship that for hundreds of years universal jurisd...
This chapter scrutinizes practical implications of the current issues of piracy in the international...
Maritime Piracy: A critical analysis of current prosecutorial challenges and shortcomings of interna...
This article deals with the problem of combating international crime related to violence at sea. The...