Designing the shape of silicon nanoparticles has been shown to be an effective approach to increasing overlap between electric and magnetic dipole resonances thereby achieving directional scattering and decrease of reflection. Variations of disk diameter and/or height affect resonances differently and can thus result in resonance overlap. In most of the studies, the disks are arranged in a periodic array where the periodicity is varied together with disk diameter, but the role of lattice effect is neglected. Here we theoretically study a periodic array of disks and show that the contribution of the lattice effect in shifting resonance positions is comparable to the effect of the diameter change. We demonstrate that the lattice effect is imp...
Provides research data for the article "Surface Lattice Resonances in Plasmonic Arrays of Asymmeric ...
Ordered arrays of metallic nanostructures support collective modes known as lattice resonances, whic...
An enhanced emission of high quantum yield molecules coupled to dielectric metasurfaces formed by pe...
We have studied the impact of lattice geometry on the dynamic properties of close-spaced arrays of c...
Collective lattice resonances (CLRs) emerging under oblique incidence in 2D finite-size arrays of Si...
9 pags., 6 figs.Periodic arrays of nanoparticles are capable of supporting lattice resonances, colle...
The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of periodic hexagonal lattice arrays of silver nano-disks positi...
\u3cp\u3eWe present a numerical investigation of collective resonances in lattices of dielectric nan...
11 pags., 5 figs.When arranged in a periodic geometry, arrays of metallic nanostructures are capable...
Metasurfaces composed of nanosized silicon particles are considered prospective low-loss media for f...
We investigate lattice resonances (LRs) in metasurfaces (MSs), composed of silicon nano-cylinders. I...
Spherical nanoclusters (NCs) with a central dielectric core surrounded by several satellite plasmoni...
Collective lattice resonances in disordered 2D arrays of spherical Si nanoparticles (NPs) have been ...
Periodic arrays of metallic nanoparticles may sustain surface lattice resonances (SLRs), which are c...
Periodic arrays of dielectric nano-disk resonators are investigated to clarify the nature of their e...
Provides research data for the article "Surface Lattice Resonances in Plasmonic Arrays of Asymmeric ...
Ordered arrays of metallic nanostructures support collective modes known as lattice resonances, whic...
An enhanced emission of high quantum yield molecules coupled to dielectric metasurfaces formed by pe...
We have studied the impact of lattice geometry on the dynamic properties of close-spaced arrays of c...
Collective lattice resonances (CLRs) emerging under oblique incidence in 2D finite-size arrays of Si...
9 pags., 6 figs.Periodic arrays of nanoparticles are capable of supporting lattice resonances, colle...
The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of periodic hexagonal lattice arrays of silver nano-disks positi...
\u3cp\u3eWe present a numerical investigation of collective resonances in lattices of dielectric nan...
11 pags., 5 figs.When arranged in a periodic geometry, arrays of metallic nanostructures are capable...
Metasurfaces composed of nanosized silicon particles are considered prospective low-loss media for f...
We investigate lattice resonances (LRs) in metasurfaces (MSs), composed of silicon nano-cylinders. I...
Spherical nanoclusters (NCs) with a central dielectric core surrounded by several satellite plasmoni...
Collective lattice resonances in disordered 2D arrays of spherical Si nanoparticles (NPs) have been ...
Periodic arrays of metallic nanoparticles may sustain surface lattice resonances (SLRs), which are c...
Periodic arrays of dielectric nano-disk resonators are investigated to clarify the nature of their e...
Provides research data for the article "Surface Lattice Resonances in Plasmonic Arrays of Asymmeric ...
Ordered arrays of metallic nanostructures support collective modes known as lattice resonances, whic...
An enhanced emission of high quantum yield molecules coupled to dielectric metasurfaces formed by pe...