Credit institutions often refuse to lend money to small firms. Usually, this happens because small firms are not able to provide collateral to lenders. Moreover, given the small amount of required loans, the relative cost of full monitoring is too high for lenders. Group lending contracts have been viewed as an effective solution to credit rationing of small firms in both developing and industrialized countries. The aim of this paper is to highlight the potential of group lending contracts in terms of credit risk management. In particular, this paper provides a theoretical explanation of the potential of group lending programs in screening good borrowers from bad ones to reduce the incidence of non-performing-loans (NPL). This paper shows t...
Microfinance institutions (MFIs) have stepped up towards commercialization and sustainability yet th...
Abstract: Group lending has proved to be a successful form of lending in credit markets for poor peo...
This paper contrasts individual liability lending with and without groups to joint liability lending...
Credit institutions often refuse to lend money to small firms. Usually, this happens because small ...
A large body of literature has shown that small firms, due to their opaqueness, may find it difficul...
In this paper we investigate whether or not mutual guarantee consortia (MGC), a financial institutio...
Empirical research on group lending is extensive, but without allowance for collateral to mitigate s...
This paper analyzes contract efficiency with regard to correlated project realization and the size o...
We develop a simple model of group-lendingbased on peer monitoring and moral hazard. We find that, i...
A large body of literature has shown that small firms, due to their opaqueness, may find it difficul...
In recent years group lending has become an increasingly utilized tool for providing credit access t...
Joint-liability is maybe the most distinctive feature of microfinance contracts in developing countr...
Group Lending, Moral Hazard, and the Creation of Social Collateral This paper studies joint liabili...
This paper examines the role of interest rates and securities within the context of the small firm -...
This paper shows that, in a group-lending environment characterized by positive assortative matching...
Microfinance institutions (MFIs) have stepped up towards commercialization and sustainability yet th...
Abstract: Group lending has proved to be a successful form of lending in credit markets for poor peo...
This paper contrasts individual liability lending with and without groups to joint liability lending...
Credit institutions often refuse to lend money to small firms. Usually, this happens because small ...
A large body of literature has shown that small firms, due to their opaqueness, may find it difficul...
In this paper we investigate whether or not mutual guarantee consortia (MGC), a financial institutio...
Empirical research on group lending is extensive, but without allowance for collateral to mitigate s...
This paper analyzes contract efficiency with regard to correlated project realization and the size o...
We develop a simple model of group-lendingbased on peer monitoring and moral hazard. We find that, i...
A large body of literature has shown that small firms, due to their opaqueness, may find it difficul...
In recent years group lending has become an increasingly utilized tool for providing credit access t...
Joint-liability is maybe the most distinctive feature of microfinance contracts in developing countr...
Group Lending, Moral Hazard, and the Creation of Social Collateral This paper studies joint liabili...
This paper examines the role of interest rates and securities within the context of the small firm -...
This paper shows that, in a group-lending environment characterized by positive assortative matching...
Microfinance institutions (MFIs) have stepped up towards commercialization and sustainability yet th...
Abstract: Group lending has proved to be a successful form of lending in credit markets for poor peo...
This paper contrasts individual liability lending with and without groups to joint liability lending...