Introduction: Research is crucial for health-care delivery. However, medical students may not participate in research during their training, which might negatively affect their understanding of the importance of research and their future ability to conduct research projects. This is more prominent in developing countries. We aim to assess the attitudes of a sample of Syrian medical students toward research and suggest plausible solutions to reduce their self-reported barriers. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a self-administered, pretested questionnaire. Results: Three hundred and twenty-three responses were included. Most students demonstrated positive attitudes toward research. However, most of the responses indicated ...
Background: Undergraduate research exposure leads to academically dexterous and professionally unbea...
Background: Health sciences research (HSR) is an essential part of improving health care which plays...
Becher Al-Halabi,1 Yousef Marwan,2 Mohammad Hasan,3 Sulaiman Alkhadhari41Department of Surgery, Muba...
Background: Medical research is essential for the development of evidence-based practice and improvi...
Muatasim M Noorelahi,1 Abdulrahman A Soubhanneyaz,1 Khaled A Kasim2 1College of Medicine, 2Departmen...
meanwhile the majority of the students had a positive attitude towards scientific research. Many per...
Background: It is well known that evidence-based medicine is the rule for clinical practice. This ca...
Background: Health research has been integrated as part of the curriculum of many health sciences te...
Background: Medical research is a systematic method to obtain new knowledge, reduce diagnosis proble...
Introduction: Research in medicine has an impact on prevention, diagnosis, and newer treatment for t...
Background: Research is known to be one of the fundamental tools in developing science especially in...
Context: The importance of research is revealed by the fact that the top seven science producing cou...
AbstractWe aimed to explore perceptions, attitudes and practices toward research among medical stude...
Objective: To evaluate the knowledge, attitude and perceived barriers toward research among undergra...
The purpose of medical research study is very wide. It is about knowing the diseases physiology and ...
Background: Undergraduate research exposure leads to academically dexterous and professionally unbea...
Background: Health sciences research (HSR) is an essential part of improving health care which plays...
Becher Al-Halabi,1 Yousef Marwan,2 Mohammad Hasan,3 Sulaiman Alkhadhari41Department of Surgery, Muba...
Background: Medical research is essential for the development of evidence-based practice and improvi...
Muatasim M Noorelahi,1 Abdulrahman A Soubhanneyaz,1 Khaled A Kasim2 1College of Medicine, 2Departmen...
meanwhile the majority of the students had a positive attitude towards scientific research. Many per...
Background: It is well known that evidence-based medicine is the rule for clinical practice. This ca...
Background: Health research has been integrated as part of the curriculum of many health sciences te...
Background: Medical research is a systematic method to obtain new knowledge, reduce diagnosis proble...
Introduction: Research in medicine has an impact on prevention, diagnosis, and newer treatment for t...
Background: Research is known to be one of the fundamental tools in developing science especially in...
Context: The importance of research is revealed by the fact that the top seven science producing cou...
AbstractWe aimed to explore perceptions, attitudes and practices toward research among medical stude...
Objective: To evaluate the knowledge, attitude and perceived barriers toward research among undergra...
The purpose of medical research study is very wide. It is about knowing the diseases physiology and ...
Background: Undergraduate research exposure leads to academically dexterous and professionally unbea...
Background: Health sciences research (HSR) is an essential part of improving health care which plays...
Becher Al-Halabi,1 Yousef Marwan,2 Mohammad Hasan,3 Sulaiman Alkhadhari41Department of Surgery, Muba...