Penegakan hukum untuk mewujudkan keadilan, memunculkan suatu permasalahan yaitu keadilan yang bagaimana yang hendak diwujudkan. Asas legalitas dalam penegakan hukum ternyata hanya mengarahkan pada terwujudnya keadilan formal yaitu keadilan menurut undang-undang. Penegakan hukum idealnya bukan hanya mewujudkan keadilan formal tetapi juga keadilan substansial, yaitu keadilan yang benar-benar sesuai dengan rasa keadilan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, penegakan hukum hendaknya bukan hanya mendasarkan pada asas legalitas, melainkan juga memperhatikan kebiasaan atau tradisi dan sistem nilai yang terdapat dalam kehidupan masyarakat
The principle of legality is a very fundamental principle in Positive Criminal Law and Islamic Crimi...
The principle of legitimacy as a state aims to protect the society, which is expressed in the princi...
The law can not be upright by itself, meaning the law is unable to manifest itself the promises and ...
Penegakan hukum untuk mewujudkan keadilan, memunculkan suatu permasalahan yaitu keadilan yang bagaim...
The existence of laws in the midst of society is to protect the interests of human beings that need ...
The existence of laws in the midst of society is to protect the interests of human beings that need ...
Human needs society to socialize and to maintain the orderliness in the society required norms as gu...
Law as a method is always declared to be generally applicable to anyone and anywhere in the territor...
AbstrakKetidakadilan sudah sering terjadi dalam penegakan hukum di negara Indonesia. Kepercayaan ma...
Melawan hukum materiil nampak bertentangan dengan asas legalitas, namun jika dielaborasi mendalamdap...
The principle of legality is a fundamental principle in the Criminal Code and the Islamic Criminal L...
The principles of legal certainty very dominating in the law enforcement inIndonesia. The principle ...
Law enforcement process relying on legal assurance then narrowed down to regulation assurance will r...
Legal culture is one of the important aspects that must be considered by legal functionaries in carr...
The law enforcement shall do correctly and effectively to measure the succeed of the state, particul...
The principle of legality is a very fundamental principle in Positive Criminal Law and Islamic Crimi...
The principle of legitimacy as a state aims to protect the society, which is expressed in the princi...
The law can not be upright by itself, meaning the law is unable to manifest itself the promises and ...
Penegakan hukum untuk mewujudkan keadilan, memunculkan suatu permasalahan yaitu keadilan yang bagaim...
The existence of laws in the midst of society is to protect the interests of human beings that need ...
The existence of laws in the midst of society is to protect the interests of human beings that need ...
Human needs society to socialize and to maintain the orderliness in the society required norms as gu...
Law as a method is always declared to be generally applicable to anyone and anywhere in the territor...
AbstrakKetidakadilan sudah sering terjadi dalam penegakan hukum di negara Indonesia. Kepercayaan ma...
Melawan hukum materiil nampak bertentangan dengan asas legalitas, namun jika dielaborasi mendalamdap...
The principle of legality is a fundamental principle in the Criminal Code and the Islamic Criminal L...
The principles of legal certainty very dominating in the law enforcement inIndonesia. The principle ...
Law enforcement process relying on legal assurance then narrowed down to regulation assurance will r...
Legal culture is one of the important aspects that must be considered by legal functionaries in carr...
The law enforcement shall do correctly and effectively to measure the succeed of the state, particul...
The principle of legality is a very fundamental principle in Positive Criminal Law and Islamic Crimi...
The principle of legitimacy as a state aims to protect the society, which is expressed in the princi...
The law can not be upright by itself, meaning the law is unable to manifest itself the promises and ...