This research is motivated by various conceptions about education in Islam is apparently has the uniqueness of the meaning contained in Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith, because it shows the richness of the meaning of the words in the verses and every sentence. Educational concepts or theories experience a heated debate for experts or scientists. Actually, many terms are considered to be close to the meaning of education, among them: Al-Tarbiyah, At-Ta’lim, At-Ta’dib atau al Adab, At-Tahzib, Al- Wa’adz atau Mau’idzah, Ar-Riyadhah, At-Tazkiyyah, Al-Talqin, At-Tadris, At-Tafaqquh, At-Tabyin, At-Tazkiroh, and others. Why is the term tarbiyah used? Is the term tarbiyah indeed able to describe precisely the basic concepts and principles of Islamic educat...