Entre préservation et/ou mise en valeur de la ressource, quel avenir pour les Aires Marines Protégées en Province Nord de la Nouvelle-Calédonie ?

  • Dolorès Bodmer
Publication date
April 2010
Études caribéennes


This study allows a distinct approach to thinking about the marine resources in a protected area. Indeed, marine ecosystems are essential, especially as they are in New Caledonia, particularly in terms of cultural heritage. It is mainly Kanak who live on the East Coast of the North Province, where the Community and WWF collaborate on the installation of several marine protected areas (MPAs). So far, the Kanak customary management allowed a relative preservation of these ecosystems in a coastal area not subject to the pressures of urbanization, tourism and navigation. The study aims to highlight the issues surrounding the establishment of MPAs and opportunities for local development on the marine environment and local populations. This is to...

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