In the past decade, gold mining has developed on a large scale in the Bolivar State (Venezuela). The national government seeks to integrate the Guyana region into its “Strategic Plan of Joint Action for the Development of the Orinoco Belt and Mining Arc” (Ministerio, 2011). The project aims at developing, at the macro-regional level, a vast frontier, rich in energy resources (conventional and unconventional oil and gas) and mining on both sides of the Orinoco river. Gold mining causes environmental damage and human destruction. Governments try to control the evolution of the mining frontier
Dans le Massif de l'Auyan Tepuy (Guyane vénézuelienne), des formes d'érosion pseudo-karstiques (diss...
Marjo de Theije focuses on the link between local development (in Suriname) and the Brazilian-driven...
Tropical forests of the Guiana Shield are the most affected by gold-mining in South America, experie...
Une usine de traitement de minerai dans le Pôle industriel du Bas Orénoque (Guyane vénézuelienne
The current economic crisis in Venezuela has drawn members of Pemón communities to the practice of i...
Venezuela is struck by a catastrophic economic crisis caused by widespread corruption, government mi...
Dans la région de la Gran Sabana (Guyane vénézuelienne, à proximité des frontières avec la Brésil et...
Apparaît à l'horizon une barre rocheuse contenant un pourcentage élevé de minerai de fer : le giseme...
The village of Maripasoula is located in southwestern French Guiana, in the Upper Maroni region. A l...
La Guyane vénézuélienne, région dont la planification est contrôlée par l’Etat, joue un rôle majeur ...
South of the Orinoco River, a series of small towns along the trunk highway that connec...
Presently, in French Guiana, the rehabilitation of land affected by mining is almost always to resto...
Statistical and spatial analyses of both historical time series and remotely sensed data show a link...
The fight against gold panning in French Guyana is an absolute necessity, both economically and huma...
High Venezuelan Guiana, lying close by the border, has to be populated, and a road crosses it from N...
Dans le Massif de l'Auyan Tepuy (Guyane vénézuelienne), des formes d'érosion pseudo-karstiques (diss...
Marjo de Theije focuses on the link between local development (in Suriname) and the Brazilian-driven...
Tropical forests of the Guiana Shield are the most affected by gold-mining in South America, experie...
Une usine de traitement de minerai dans le Pôle industriel du Bas Orénoque (Guyane vénézuelienne
The current economic crisis in Venezuela has drawn members of Pemón communities to the practice of i...
Venezuela is struck by a catastrophic economic crisis caused by widespread corruption, government mi...
Dans la région de la Gran Sabana (Guyane vénézuelienne, à proximité des frontières avec la Brésil et...
Apparaît à l'horizon une barre rocheuse contenant un pourcentage élevé de minerai de fer : le giseme...
The village of Maripasoula is located in southwestern French Guiana, in the Upper Maroni region. A l...
La Guyane vénézuélienne, région dont la planification est contrôlée par l’Etat, joue un rôle majeur ...
South of the Orinoco River, a series of small towns along the trunk highway that connec...
Presently, in French Guiana, the rehabilitation of land affected by mining is almost always to resto...
Statistical and spatial analyses of both historical time series and remotely sensed data show a link...
The fight against gold panning in French Guyana is an absolute necessity, both economically and huma...
High Venezuelan Guiana, lying close by the border, has to be populated, and a road crosses it from N...
Dans le Massif de l'Auyan Tepuy (Guyane vénézuelienne), des formes d'érosion pseudo-karstiques (diss...
Marjo de Theije focuses on the link between local development (in Suriname) and the Brazilian-driven...
Tropical forests of the Guiana Shield are the most affected by gold-mining in South America, experie...