Smoking cessation intervention during pregnancy in a Polish urban community – what is the target population?

  • K Polańska
  • W Hanke
  • W Sobala
  • M Broszkiewicz
Publication date
June 2002
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Tobacco Induced Diseases


The aim of this project was to evaluate the effect of intensive individual anti-smoking counselling among pregnant women from a Polish urban community with a large representation of socially underprivileged women. The study was conducted between 1 December 2000 and 31 December 2001. Out of 204 women who were asked to take part in a midwives-assisted program of educational counselling to stop smoking, 152 (74.5%) agreed to participate. The intervention program included four visits of a midwife trained in smoking cessation techniques to the home of a smoking pregnant woman. The control group were 145 pregnant women who on the first visit to a maternity unit received only a standard written information on the health risk from maternal smoking ...

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