A reflexive and productive study on connectors of opposition in Portuguese, aiming at making students pay attention its semantic-argumentative and pragmatic roles in different textual genres. Such approach focus enables a discursive view about connectors in Portuguese, something that can also contribute to a significant improvement in reading and textual production processes
In order to describe the semantic plurifunctionality of ainda que, the following aspects must be tak...
ABSTRACT – In this text will be discussed the cognitive aspects involved in the use of adversative i...
This paper discusses meaning change in the domain of junctions. According to a theoretical frame whi...
The aim of this paper is to characterize the discourse connectives ao invés and pelo contrário in co...
Abstract In this article, based on an analysis of the practice of two teachers, we aim to discuss th...
This dissertation reports on the analysis of text connectors in the Lithuanian EFL and native studen...
O propósito deste trabalho é analisar os conetivos, ferramentas linguísticas que se propõem nos enun...
The aim of this Master's Thesis is the study of frequency of contraargumentative connectors in Spani...
Connectives (or connectors) (French connectif/connecteur, Italian connettivo/connettore, Spanish con...
In this paper, studies on language acquisition and development are seen as most relevan...
The aim of this paper is to present the results of an investigation which dealt with the use of conn...
GARCÍA, Noemí Domínguez; DIAS, Massilia Maria Lira. A teoria da argumentação na análise dos conector...
In this paper, studies on language acquisition and development are seen as most relevant to grammar ...
This work problematizes the traditional, mechanical, decontextualized and classificatory teaching of...
The aim of this study is to provide an integrated description of consequential constructions in Euro...
In order to describe the semantic plurifunctionality of ainda que, the following aspects must be tak...
ABSTRACT – In this text will be discussed the cognitive aspects involved in the use of adversative i...
This paper discusses meaning change in the domain of junctions. According to a theoretical frame whi...
The aim of this paper is to characterize the discourse connectives ao invés and pelo contrário in co...
Abstract In this article, based on an analysis of the practice of two teachers, we aim to discuss th...
This dissertation reports on the analysis of text connectors in the Lithuanian EFL and native studen...
O propósito deste trabalho é analisar os conetivos, ferramentas linguísticas que se propõem nos enun...
The aim of this Master's Thesis is the study of frequency of contraargumentative connectors in Spani...
Connectives (or connectors) (French connectif/connecteur, Italian connettivo/connettore, Spanish con...
In this paper, studies on language acquisition and development are seen as most relevan...
The aim of this paper is to present the results of an investigation which dealt with the use of conn...
GARCÍA, Noemí Domínguez; DIAS, Massilia Maria Lira. A teoria da argumentação na análise dos conector...
In this paper, studies on language acquisition and development are seen as most relevant to grammar ...
This work problematizes the traditional, mechanical, decontextualized and classificatory teaching of...
The aim of this study is to provide an integrated description of consequential constructions in Euro...
In order to describe the semantic plurifunctionality of ainda que, the following aspects must be tak...
ABSTRACT – In this text will be discussed the cognitive aspects involved in the use of adversative i...
This paper discusses meaning change in the domain of junctions. According to a theoretical frame whi...