Perpisahan dengan orang tua akibat perawatan pada bayi prematur berpengaruh terhadap proses bonding attachment. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif pada tujuh partisipan ini menggunakan teknik purpossives sampling yang bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi secara mendalam pengalaman orang tua menerima perilaku caring perawat dalam memfasilitasi bonding attachment bayi prematur di Ruang NICU. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis dengan metode Colaizzi. Hasil analisis data mendapatkan tujuh tema, yaitu proses peningkatan pengetahuan, mampu melakukan perawatan terhadap bayinya, respons ibu terhadap tindakan perawatan yang diberikan, termotivasi dalam melakukan perawatan bayi prematur, terpenu...
attachment is a relationship between two people who have emotional ties that last a long time caused...
Complexity of intensive care of premature babies causes some routine nursing cares are overlooked wh...
Bonding attachment is very important and beneficial for mother and baby because it will provide comf...
Perpisahan dengan orang tua akibat perawatan pada bayi prematur berpengaruh terhadap proses bonding ...
Experience Caring Parents Receive The Behavior of Nurses in Premature Infants Facilitate Bonding Att...
Bonding attachment merupakan suatu proses jangka panjang yang terjadi antara orang tua dan anak untu...
Form a bond with the baby is: the process by which the result of an interaction continued betwe...
Bounding attachment is very important for newborn to be adapted to the new environment. Mother’stouc...
The bond between parents and newborns is very important to note. Since the antenatal period, mothers...
Di Indonesia, cukup banyak bayi yang mengalami masalah tidur, yaitu sekitar 44,2 %. Namun, hampir at...
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect puerperal breastfeeding attachmen...
AbstrakPelibatan ibu dalam perawatan bayi prematur merupakan salah satu komponen konsep family cente...
Complexity of intensive care of premature babies causes some routine nursing cares are overlooked wh...
The Parents' satisfaction of premature babies is very important as one of the basic steps in determi...
AbstrakTransisi menjadi orangtua akan sulit bagi orangtua yang masih remaja. Kelahiran seorang bayi ...
attachment is a relationship between two people who have emotional ties that last a long time caused...
Complexity of intensive care of premature babies causes some routine nursing cares are overlooked wh...
Bonding attachment is very important and beneficial for mother and baby because it will provide comf...
Perpisahan dengan orang tua akibat perawatan pada bayi prematur berpengaruh terhadap proses bonding ...
Experience Caring Parents Receive The Behavior of Nurses in Premature Infants Facilitate Bonding Att...
Bonding attachment merupakan suatu proses jangka panjang yang terjadi antara orang tua dan anak untu...
Form a bond with the baby is: the process by which the result of an interaction continued betwe...
Bounding attachment is very important for newborn to be adapted to the new environment. Mother’stouc...
The bond between parents and newborns is very important to note. Since the antenatal period, mothers...
Di Indonesia, cukup banyak bayi yang mengalami masalah tidur, yaitu sekitar 44,2 %. Namun, hampir at...
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect puerperal breastfeeding attachmen...
AbstrakPelibatan ibu dalam perawatan bayi prematur merupakan salah satu komponen konsep family cente...
Complexity of intensive care of premature babies causes some routine nursing cares are overlooked wh...
The Parents' satisfaction of premature babies is very important as one of the basic steps in determi...
AbstrakTransisi menjadi orangtua akan sulit bagi orangtua yang masih remaja. Kelahiran seorang bayi ...
attachment is a relationship between two people who have emotional ties that last a long time caused...
Complexity of intensive care of premature babies causes some routine nursing cares are overlooked wh...
Bonding attachment is very important and beneficial for mother and baby because it will provide comf...