Background. Maternal dietary diversity is a proxy indicator of maternal nutrient adequacy and improves health outcomes for both mothers and babies. However, little is documented on dietary diversity among pregnant mothers. Therefore, this study assessed diet diversity and associated factors among pregnant mothers attending the antenatal clinic in Shashemane, Oromia, Central Ethiopia. Methods. An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted on 315 systematically selected pregnant women attending antenatal clinic of Shashemane town in April 2017. Dietary diversity was assessed using a 24 h dietary recall method, and the dietary diversity score was computed for ten food groups. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were comp...
IntroductionAdequate nutrient intake during pregnancy is an important key factor affecting fetal gro...
Background. In developing countries, dietary diversity is a challenge for rural communities especial...
BackgroundDietary diversity can play an important role in providing essential nutrients for both mot...
BackgroundDietary diversity has continued to receive a global attention among pregnant women as they...
Sintayehu Hailu,1 Bedasa Woldemichael21Department of Public Health, School of Health Sciences, Goba ...
Abstract Background Inadequate dietary diversity intake during pregnancy increases risks of intraute...
Abstract Objective Diversified food during pregnancy is the very important since it is known to affe...
Background. Consumption of diversified food during pregnancy found very important and critical to de...
Background: This study sought to determine the prevalence of minimum dietary diversity and its assoc...
BACKGROUND: Dietary diversity is a proxy indicator of maternal nutrient adequacy. However, little is...
Abstract Background Mothers’ nutrition is crucial for good pregnancy outcomes and in improving child...
BACKGROUND: Dietary diversity has continued to gain widespread attention among the population since ...
BackgroundMonotonous and less diversified diets are associated with micronutrient deficiency. Eviden...
BackgroundWomen of reproductive age are at a higher risk of insufficient micronutrient intake due to...
Introduction: Lactating women are more vulnerable to malnutrition due to increased physiological dem...
IntroductionAdequate nutrient intake during pregnancy is an important key factor affecting fetal gro...
Background. In developing countries, dietary diversity is a challenge for rural communities especial...
BackgroundDietary diversity can play an important role in providing essential nutrients for both mot...
BackgroundDietary diversity has continued to receive a global attention among pregnant women as they...
Sintayehu Hailu,1 Bedasa Woldemichael21Department of Public Health, School of Health Sciences, Goba ...
Abstract Background Inadequate dietary diversity intake during pregnancy increases risks of intraute...
Abstract Objective Diversified food during pregnancy is the very important since it is known to affe...
Background. Consumption of diversified food during pregnancy found very important and critical to de...
Background: This study sought to determine the prevalence of minimum dietary diversity and its assoc...
BACKGROUND: Dietary diversity is a proxy indicator of maternal nutrient adequacy. However, little is...
Abstract Background Mothers’ nutrition is crucial for good pregnancy outcomes and in improving child...
BACKGROUND: Dietary diversity has continued to gain widespread attention among the population since ...
BackgroundMonotonous and less diversified diets are associated with micronutrient deficiency. Eviden...
BackgroundWomen of reproductive age are at a higher risk of insufficient micronutrient intake due to...
Introduction: Lactating women are more vulnerable to malnutrition due to increased physiological dem...
IntroductionAdequate nutrient intake during pregnancy is an important key factor affecting fetal gro...
Background. In developing countries, dietary diversity is a challenge for rural communities especial...
BackgroundDietary diversity can play an important role in providing essential nutrients for both mot...