Purpose The aim of this study was to confirm the applicability of YouTube as a delivery platform of lecture videos for dental students and to assess their learning attitudes towards the flipped classroom model. Methods Learning experiences after using the YouTube platform to deliver preliminary video lectures in a flipped classroom were assessed by 69 second-year students (52 males, 17 females) at Dankook University College of Dentistry, Korea, who attended periodontology lectures during 2 consecutive semesters of the 2016 academic year. The instructor uploaded the lecture videos to YouTube before each class. At the end of the second semester, the students were surveyed using a questionnaire devised by the authors. Results Of the students, ...
Abstract: YouTube as a Web-Based Instructional Tool in Higher Education in Technology Enabled Learni...
Objective: To compare second-year dental students' perceptions of the utility and educational impact...
Implementing multimedia learning can be an effective way to teach difficult concepts to a diverse st...
The participants were 69 second-year students of Dankook College of Dentistry who attended a clinica...
AbstractObjectivesThis cross-sectional study sought to obtain the perceptions of third year students...
Introduction Dental undergraduates will access the Internet searching for learning materials to com...
Flipped classrooms have been successfully used to increase student engagement and support student le...
Background: E-learning is an important adjunct used for teaching clinical skills in medicine dentist...
Many reports in dental education showed that student learning improved with the flipped classroom me...
Many dental lecturers are moving away from providing hand-out notes to their students and are rather...
Funding Information: This manuscript is part of the C2LEARN project that has received funding from t...
Student-generated videos provide an authentic learning experience for students, enhance motivation a...
This study investigates students' perception of the use of YouTube to facilitate undergraduate stude...
Objectives: To identify the readiness of students for online learning, to investigate their preferen...
Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153739/1/jddj0022033720137711tb05619x....
Abstract: YouTube as a Web-Based Instructional Tool in Higher Education in Technology Enabled Learni...
Objective: To compare second-year dental students' perceptions of the utility and educational impact...
Implementing multimedia learning can be an effective way to teach difficult concepts to a diverse st...
The participants were 69 second-year students of Dankook College of Dentistry who attended a clinica...
AbstractObjectivesThis cross-sectional study sought to obtain the perceptions of third year students...
Introduction Dental undergraduates will access the Internet searching for learning materials to com...
Flipped classrooms have been successfully used to increase student engagement and support student le...
Background: E-learning is an important adjunct used for teaching clinical skills in medicine dentist...
Many reports in dental education showed that student learning improved with the flipped classroom me...
Many dental lecturers are moving away from providing hand-out notes to their students and are rather...
Funding Information: This manuscript is part of the C2LEARN project that has received funding from t...
Student-generated videos provide an authentic learning experience for students, enhance motivation a...
This study investigates students' perception of the use of YouTube to facilitate undergraduate stude...
Objectives: To identify the readiness of students for online learning, to investigate their preferen...
Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153739/1/jddj0022033720137711tb05619x....
Abstract: YouTube as a Web-Based Instructional Tool in Higher Education in Technology Enabled Learni...
Objective: To compare second-year dental students' perceptions of the utility and educational impact...
Implementing multimedia learning can be an effective way to teach difficult concepts to a diverse st...