During the Great War between 2.2 and 2.3 million POWs from the Central Powers were taken to Russian captivity. Most of them were citizens of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They became POWs mostly during the years 1914–1916. Apart from those captured during fighting or wounded, the captivity was the final destination for deserters and those who voluntarily decided to surrender themselves to the enemy on the battlefield. The motives of the latter ones were varied. Irrespective of the circumstances, however, in which the Austro-Hungarian solders found themselves in Russian captivity, their further fates as POWs were equally harsh. The hardships of captivity were felt more by the officers and Austrian and Hungarian soldiers, and to a lesser degre...
During the entire Great War, Austria-Hungary mobilized more than one and a half million men in the C...
Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist das Schicksal der Kriegsgefangenen der Mittelmächte in Russland i...
The First World War put a number of practical issues before the Russian diplomats. The first one was...
Up to the 1980s prisoners of war were hardly even mentioned in military history. Only in recent year...
I. Volgyes, Hungarians prisoners of war in Russia, 1916-1919. During the four years of World War I, ...
This paper deals with deportations of Ruthenians during World War I by the Austro-Hungarian governme...
The article is focused on the features of more than 250 000 Czechs and Slovaks in Russian captivity ...
The study deals with the capturing of prisoners by the Red Army, taking control over Transylvania in...
During the First World War the administration of the Suwałki Governorate was evacuated to Riazan in ...
Durante la prima guerra mondiale centinaia di migliaia di soldati dell’esercito austro-ungarico cadd...
During the World War I millions of civilians all around Europe and the Near East were often forced t...
La presente ricerca ha come finalità la compilazione di un primo elenco – ancorché incompleto – rela...
In the Austrian army (Austro-Hungarian army) in the second half of the 19th century the question of ...
The First World War imposed a severe stigma on the Lemko people, the Ruthenian mountaineers residing...
Med prvo svetovno vojno je na slovensko ozemlje prišlo veliko število vojnih ujetnikov carske Rusije...
During the entire Great War, Austria-Hungary mobilized more than one and a half million men in the C...
Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist das Schicksal der Kriegsgefangenen der Mittelmächte in Russland i...
The First World War put a number of practical issues before the Russian diplomats. The first one was...
Up to the 1980s prisoners of war were hardly even mentioned in military history. Only in recent year...
I. Volgyes, Hungarians prisoners of war in Russia, 1916-1919. During the four years of World War I, ...
This paper deals with deportations of Ruthenians during World War I by the Austro-Hungarian governme...
The article is focused on the features of more than 250 000 Czechs and Slovaks in Russian captivity ...
The study deals with the capturing of prisoners by the Red Army, taking control over Transylvania in...
During the First World War the administration of the Suwałki Governorate was evacuated to Riazan in ...
Durante la prima guerra mondiale centinaia di migliaia di soldati dell’esercito austro-ungarico cadd...
During the World War I millions of civilians all around Europe and the Near East were often forced t...
La presente ricerca ha come finalità la compilazione di un primo elenco – ancorché incompleto – rela...
In the Austrian army (Austro-Hungarian army) in the second half of the 19th century the question of ...
The First World War imposed a severe stigma on the Lemko people, the Ruthenian mountaineers residing...
Med prvo svetovno vojno je na slovensko ozemlje prišlo veliko število vojnih ujetnikov carske Rusije...
During the entire Great War, Austria-Hungary mobilized more than one and a half million men in the C...
Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist das Schicksal der Kriegsgefangenen der Mittelmächte in Russland i...
The First World War put a number of practical issues before the Russian diplomats. The first one was...