W artykule dokonano krótkiego przeglądu różnych metodologii obliczania stóp bezrobocia, stosowanych przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny w Polsce, a także przedstawiono pomysł pewnej ich modyfikacji. Obliczono stopy bezrobocia według zaproponowanej metodologii w województwie podlaskim w podziale na rodzaj wykształcenia: wyższe, policealne i średnie zawodowe, średnie gólnokształcące, zasadnicze (zawodowe) oraz gimnazjalne, podstawowe i niepełne podstawowe. Otrzymane wyniki poddano analizie.The paper provides a brief review of various methodologies for calculating unemployment rates applied by Główny Urząd Statystyczny (Central Statistical Office)in Poland, as well as proposals of certain modifications. Unemployment rates in Podlaskie have been ca...
Przedmiotem socjohistorycznej jest analiza genezy, ewolucji i zmarnotrawienia uspołecznienia polskie...
The article discusses the economic inactivity of disabled persons in Poland and pointing their oppor...
The aim of the paper is to analyze the determinants of labor productivity of the Polish counties be...
The current economic and social situation in Poland forces changes in the system of higher education...
The analysed topic is the situation of young Polish people on the labour market. The unemployment in...
The paper presents estimation results of a logistic regression developed in order to explore such pr...
This article present the synthesis of experiences Polish teachers collected as a result of participa...
Wobec młodych osób, dokonujących tranzycji z systemu edukacji do rynku pracy, odnotowuje się mniej k...
The article contains an analysis of education as a way out of being marginalized in terms of popula...
The main aim of this paper is to attempt to answer the following questions: In which direction is c...
Demographic factors have always had a strong influence on the development of countries and regions ...
Transformation leading to the knowledge-based economy results in the fact that de­velopmental pr...
Challenges for the education of older workers in Poland The development of human capital determines...
Even though survey studies recurrently show that Poles want to have children and that parenthood is ...
The divergence in the structure of the education of men and women in the Polish People’s Republic. B...
Przedmiotem socjohistorycznej jest analiza genezy, ewolucji i zmarnotrawienia uspołecznienia polskie...
The article discusses the economic inactivity of disabled persons in Poland and pointing their oppor...
The aim of the paper is to analyze the determinants of labor productivity of the Polish counties be...
The current economic and social situation in Poland forces changes in the system of higher education...
The analysed topic is the situation of young Polish people on the labour market. The unemployment in...
The paper presents estimation results of a logistic regression developed in order to explore such pr...
This article present the synthesis of experiences Polish teachers collected as a result of participa...
Wobec młodych osób, dokonujących tranzycji z systemu edukacji do rynku pracy, odnotowuje się mniej k...
The article contains an analysis of education as a way out of being marginalized in terms of popula...
The main aim of this paper is to attempt to answer the following questions: In which direction is c...
Demographic factors have always had a strong influence on the development of countries and regions ...
Transformation leading to the knowledge-based economy results in the fact that de­velopmental pr...
Challenges for the education of older workers in Poland The development of human capital determines...
Even though survey studies recurrently show that Poles want to have children and that parenthood is ...
The divergence in the structure of the education of men and women in the Polish People’s Republic. B...
Przedmiotem socjohistorycznej jest analiza genezy, ewolucji i zmarnotrawienia uspołecznienia polskie...
The article discusses the economic inactivity of disabled persons in Poland and pointing their oppor...
The aim of the paper is to analyze the determinants of labor productivity of the Polish counties be...