In the article viconymy (intrarural names) of the Belarusian-Russian border zone are analyzed. The author has examined the names of streets of Lyoznensky district rural settlements in Vitebsk region and Rudnyansky district in Smolensk region. The basic principles of the nomination to which the studied names correspond are defined, lexico-semantic subgroups of viconyms and priority motivation signs are revealed. Nominative features of a rural godonymy of the analyzed region are established: peculiar as well as general features for each nominative system are revealed.mari008@mail.ruУчреждение образования «Витебский государственный, университет имени П.М. Машерова», Филологический факультет, Кафедра мировых языковGorbanevskij M.V., 1994, Russk...
The article gives a brief overview of the theory of values in the aspect of understanding its meanin...
• Г. Кангро. Проф. Херманн Яаксон (некролог) • Ю. Лумисте. Индуцированные связности в погруженных ...
SISUKORD. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ • E. Kurm. Lapse temperamendiküsimustikest • Э. Курм. Вопросники по темперам...
In the article the phenomenon of self-identity as a subject of East Slavic literary criticism is dis...
A leading position in the 17th century Belarusian literature is occupied by Afanasij Filipovich, a w...
On the basis of folklore and ethnographic material of the 19th – early 21st century the symbolic sta...
In the article the process of formation and activities of a number of Belarusian scientific and educ...
Council of Vilnius, in 1514, greatly improved the functioning and internal organization of the Ortho...
Actualization of such concepts as transgression and frontier in postmodern literature and culture is...
В статье приводятся первые находки Mecinus janthinus Germar, 1821 в Монголии и на Дальнем Востоке Ро...
The article gives the biographical facts and characteristics of the enlightenment activities of the ...
The article tells the story of the Saint Triphon of Vyatka. His missionary and enlightenment activit...
In the article, the author discusses the reasons and processes of adaptation of borrowings, paying s...
Гiсторыка-генетычнае i функцыянальна-семантычнае даследаванне мiфасемантыкi i функцыянальнасцi вобра...
The article is devoted to coloristic range description of the novel The Smoke of the Fatherland by K...
The article gives a brief overview of the theory of values in the aspect of understanding its meanin...
• Г. Кангро. Проф. Херманн Яаксон (некролог) • Ю. Лумисте. Индуцированные связности в погруженных ...
SISUKORD. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ • E. Kurm. Lapse temperamendiküsimustikest • Э. Курм. Вопросники по темперам...
In the article the phenomenon of self-identity as a subject of East Slavic literary criticism is dis...
A leading position in the 17th century Belarusian literature is occupied by Afanasij Filipovich, a w...
On the basis of folklore and ethnographic material of the 19th – early 21st century the symbolic sta...
In the article the process of formation and activities of a number of Belarusian scientific and educ...
Council of Vilnius, in 1514, greatly improved the functioning and internal organization of the Ortho...
Actualization of such concepts as transgression and frontier in postmodern literature and culture is...
В статье приводятся первые находки Mecinus janthinus Germar, 1821 в Монголии и на Дальнем Востоке Ро...
The article gives the biographical facts and characteristics of the enlightenment activities of the ...
The article tells the story of the Saint Triphon of Vyatka. His missionary and enlightenment activit...
In the article, the author discusses the reasons and processes of adaptation of borrowings, paying s...
Гiсторыка-генетычнае i функцыянальна-семантычнае даследаванне мiфасемантыкi i функцыянальнасцi вобра...
The article is devoted to coloristic range description of the novel The Smoke of the Fatherland by K...
The article gives a brief overview of the theory of values in the aspect of understanding its meanin...
• Г. Кангро. Проф. Херманн Яаксон (некролог) • Ю. Лумисте. Индуцированные связности в погруженных ...
SISUKORD. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ • E. Kurm. Lapse temperamendiküsimustikest • Э. Курм. Вопросники по темперам...