Environmental Dairy Design for 2020 (EDD20) : Ontwerpen voor huisvestingssystemen van melkvee met lage ammoniakemissie

  • Puente-Rodríguez, Daniel
  • Bos, A.P.
Publication date
January 2019
Wageningen University and Research


The objective of the (public-private partnership) Environmental Dairy Design for 2020project was to reduce ammonia emissions in dairy farming systems under 3 kilograms per animal place per year. This research shows that, in theory, it is possible to achieve this ambition through a combination of innovative solutions. However, current systems/practices, high required investments and market dynamics and forces form a serious obstacle for these innovations. Although an ammonia reduction of approximately 50% (compared to a standard Dutch livestock housing system) was achieved in the final experiment that was conducted, the ambitious objective of this project was not achieved. T he research project has developed valuable knowledge and, where pos...

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