FIGURE 3. Metaprotella haswelliana (Mayer, 1882), Albany, Western Australia. Neotype, male; a, flagellum of antenna 2; b, gnathopod 1; c, gnathopod 2; d, gill 3 with pereopod 3; e, gill 4 with pereopod 4; f, pereopod 3; g, pereopod 4; h, abdomen (ventral view). Female “ B ”; i, gnathopod 2; j, abdomen (lateral view). Scale: a, f – h, j = 0.10 mm, b – e, i = 0.50 mm
Figure 3. Chilibathynella joshuai sp. nov. (B, C, E–H) Male holotype. (A) Thoracopod VIII female all...
FIGURE 3. Hermesorchestia alastairi gen. et sp. nov., paratype, juvenile, 10.5 mm, AM P.99117, parat...
Figure 3 - Monoliropus leeae sp. n., holotype, male, 9.3 mm. A habitus, lateral view B Antenna 1 C A...
FIGURE 1. Metaprotella haswelliana (Mayer, 1882), Albany, Western Australia. Neotype, male; a, later...
FIGURE 2. Metaprotella haswelliana (Mayer, 1882), Albany, Western Australia. Neotype, male; a, upper...
FIGURE 3. Caprella scauroides Mayer, 1903: A, male 22 mm length (NIWA 136876). B, female 11 mm body ...
FIGURE 3. Ampithoe boiana sp. nov., holotype, male, AM P61828, 5 mm. Paratype, female, AM P61829, 6 ...
FIGURE 3. Paraproto murrayae n. sp. Mouthparts (apart from mandibles) of holotype male, AM P.83424.P...
Figure 3. Eremisopus beei n.gen., n.sp. A,C–J, paratype Ƌ (AM P61453); paratype Ƌ (AM P61454) B. A–F...
FIGURE 3. Rhinoecetes sinuduopopulus. sp. nov. Holotype, ♂, except F, paratype, ♀. a2 flag, antenna ...
FIGURE 1. Orthoprotella mayeri K.H. Barnard, 1916, male "a" from Walker Point, South Africa; a, late...
FIGURE 1. Orthoprotella mayeri K.H. Barnard, 1916, male "a" from Walker Point, South Africa; a, late...
FIGURE 3. Desdimelita(?) spicatimanus, holotype, female: a, b –left mandible, c, d—right mandible, e...
FIGURE 3. Hemiaegina minuta Mayer, 1890. Lateral view. A, male; B, female. Scale bar: 1 mm
FIGURE 2. Caprella scauroides Mayer, 1903: A, male 21 mm length. (Photograph: R. A. Peart, NIWA). Sc...
Figure 3. Chilibathynella joshuai sp. nov. (B, C, E–H) Male holotype. (A) Thoracopod VIII female all...
FIGURE 3. Hermesorchestia alastairi gen. et sp. nov., paratype, juvenile, 10.5 mm, AM P.99117, parat...
Figure 3 - Monoliropus leeae sp. n., holotype, male, 9.3 mm. A habitus, lateral view B Antenna 1 C A...
FIGURE 1. Metaprotella haswelliana (Mayer, 1882), Albany, Western Australia. Neotype, male; a, later...
FIGURE 2. Metaprotella haswelliana (Mayer, 1882), Albany, Western Australia. Neotype, male; a, upper...
FIGURE 3. Caprella scauroides Mayer, 1903: A, male 22 mm length (NIWA 136876). B, female 11 mm body ...
FIGURE 3. Ampithoe boiana sp. nov., holotype, male, AM P61828, 5 mm. Paratype, female, AM P61829, 6 ...
FIGURE 3. Paraproto murrayae n. sp. Mouthparts (apart from mandibles) of holotype male, AM P.83424.P...
Figure 3. Eremisopus beei n.gen., n.sp. A,C–J, paratype Ƌ (AM P61453); paratype Ƌ (AM P61454) B. A–F...
FIGURE 3. Rhinoecetes sinuduopopulus. sp. nov. Holotype, ♂, except F, paratype, ♀. a2 flag, antenna ...
FIGURE 1. Orthoprotella mayeri K.H. Barnard, 1916, male "a" from Walker Point, South Africa; a, late...
FIGURE 1. Orthoprotella mayeri K.H. Barnard, 1916, male "a" from Walker Point, South Africa; a, late...
FIGURE 3. Desdimelita(?) spicatimanus, holotype, female: a, b –left mandible, c, d—right mandible, e...
FIGURE 3. Hemiaegina minuta Mayer, 1890. Lateral view. A, male; B, female. Scale bar: 1 mm
FIGURE 2. Caprella scauroides Mayer, 1903: A, male 21 mm length. (Photograph: R. A. Peart, NIWA). Sc...
Figure 3. Chilibathynella joshuai sp. nov. (B, C, E–H) Male holotype. (A) Thoracopod VIII female all...
FIGURE 3. Hermesorchestia alastairi gen. et sp. nov., paratype, juvenile, 10.5 mm, AM P.99117, parat...
Figure 3 - Monoliropus leeae sp. n., holotype, male, 9.3 mm. A habitus, lateral view B Antenna 1 C A...