FIGURE 1. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades, adult male, Russia: S. Ural, Orenburg district [Orenburgskaya Oblast’], Donskoje village 6 km W mount Verbljushka, 30. v. 1998, T. & K. Nupponen leg., BMNH (E) 2002 – 103, BMNH (E) # 274440
FIGURES 44-62. Wing coloration and pattern of Rhodostrophia species. Figs 44-47: R. abscisaria (both...
FIGURE 27. A) Loxostege sticticalis (Linnaeus), male. B) L. mira Amsel, female. C) L. shirazalis (Am...
FIGURE 1. Map of Iran showing the provinces. * = Localities from which acanthocephalans have been re...
FIGURE 2. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades, adult male, Iran: Golestan, Almeh, 1650m, 7–14.v.1993, Pazu...
FIGURE 6. Sphingonaepiopsis nana, adult male, Iran: Hormozgan, Issin, 130 m, 28 – 30. iv. 1977, Pazu...
FIGURE 3. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades, male genitalia (aedeagus at right), Iran: Lorestan, Oschtor...
FIGURE 5. Sphingonaepiopsis nana, adult male, [Yemen:] Aden [Άdan], B. M. 1884 - 43, BMNH (E) # 2744...
FIGURE 7. Sphingonaepiopsis nana, male genitalia (aedeagus at right), Iran: Kerman, Jiroft, Dehbakri...
Kitching, Ian J., Zahiri, Reza (2007): Taxonomic notes and new records of the genus Sphingonaepiopsi...
FIGURE 8. Sphingonaepiopsis nana, global distribution at a resolution of one degree of latitude and ...
FIGURE 1. Empidideicus amicus: a—antennae lateral view, b—wing, c—epandrium anterodorsal view, d—gon...
FIGURE 1. Gymnancyla iranella, adults, head and palpi. A) adult male (Holotype, Iran, Yazd Prov., Ab...
FIGURE 4. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades, global distribution at a resolution of one degree of latitu...
FIGURE 4. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades, global distribution at a resolution of one degree of latitu...
FIGURE 6. Variation of Evergestis comealis stat. n. adult males in ground color of the wings. A, B) ...
FIGURES 44-62. Wing coloration and pattern of Rhodostrophia species. Figs 44-47: R. abscisaria (both...
FIGURE 27. A) Loxostege sticticalis (Linnaeus), male. B) L. mira Amsel, female. C) L. shirazalis (Am...
FIGURE 1. Map of Iran showing the provinces. * = Localities from which acanthocephalans have been re...
FIGURE 2. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades, adult male, Iran: Golestan, Almeh, 1650m, 7–14.v.1993, Pazu...
FIGURE 6. Sphingonaepiopsis nana, adult male, Iran: Hormozgan, Issin, 130 m, 28 – 30. iv. 1977, Pazu...
FIGURE 3. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades, male genitalia (aedeagus at right), Iran: Lorestan, Oschtor...
FIGURE 5. Sphingonaepiopsis nana, adult male, [Yemen:] Aden [Άdan], B. M. 1884 - 43, BMNH (E) # 2744...
FIGURE 7. Sphingonaepiopsis nana, male genitalia (aedeagus at right), Iran: Kerman, Jiroft, Dehbakri...
Kitching, Ian J., Zahiri, Reza (2007): Taxonomic notes and new records of the genus Sphingonaepiopsi...
FIGURE 8. Sphingonaepiopsis nana, global distribution at a resolution of one degree of latitude and ...
FIGURE 1. Empidideicus amicus: a—antennae lateral view, b—wing, c—epandrium anterodorsal view, d—gon...
FIGURE 1. Gymnancyla iranella, adults, head and palpi. A) adult male (Holotype, Iran, Yazd Prov., Ab...
FIGURE 4. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades, global distribution at a resolution of one degree of latitu...
FIGURE 4. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades, global distribution at a resolution of one degree of latitu...
FIGURE 6. Variation of Evergestis comealis stat. n. adult males in ground color of the wings. A, B) ...
FIGURES 44-62. Wing coloration and pattern of Rhodostrophia species. Figs 44-47: R. abscisaria (both...
FIGURE 27. A) Loxostege sticticalis (Linnaeus), male. B) L. mira Amsel, female. C) L. shirazalis (Am...
FIGURE 1. Map of Iran showing the provinces. * = Localities from which acanthocephalans have been re...