Clinical and cost outcomes from the microsimulation for each CRC risk category.</p
Histological outcomes and number of colposcopies performed per CIN2+/CIN3+ case detected in the inte...
Crude and adjusted clinical VL incidence risk ratios (IRR), and observed number of confirmed VL case...
The CRP level associated with antibiotics utilization between 10 divisions of Pediatrics in two peri...
<p>Number of and mean costs among included CRC cases and controls overall and stratified by anatomic...
Results for incremental effectiveness, medical costs and ICER between CRC patients who underwent two...
Results of multi-analysis of cytokines; comparisons between CRC patients and controls by multiple li...
<p>Crohn’s Disease: Major DRG categories sorted by case frequency and stratified by cost weight (CW)...
Pooled outcomes for comparison between Microperc and RIRS in pediatric patients.</p
<p>Multivariate adjusted hazard ratios for incidence of CKD according to the median CRP values along...
Index-hospitalization direct medical Costs between CRC patients who underwent two surgical approache...
Cost classifications of individual stages, based on disease stage and type of care.</p
<p>Neonatal morbidities and interventions in the LCC and non-LCC groups and the odds ratios for LCC....
<p>The clinicopathologic characteristics of 202 cases of primary CRC patients used in this study.</p
<p>Flowchart of selected CRC patients to determine the frequency and prognostic value of EMAST.</p
<p>Univariate risk evaluations for recurrence and survival in colorectal cancer patients.</p
Histological outcomes and number of colposcopies performed per CIN2+/CIN3+ case detected in the inte...
Crude and adjusted clinical VL incidence risk ratios (IRR), and observed number of confirmed VL case...
The CRP level associated with antibiotics utilization between 10 divisions of Pediatrics in two peri...
<p>Number of and mean costs among included CRC cases and controls overall and stratified by anatomic...
Results for incremental effectiveness, medical costs and ICER between CRC patients who underwent two...
Results of multi-analysis of cytokines; comparisons between CRC patients and controls by multiple li...
<p>Crohn’s Disease: Major DRG categories sorted by case frequency and stratified by cost weight (CW)...
Pooled outcomes for comparison between Microperc and RIRS in pediatric patients.</p
<p>Multivariate adjusted hazard ratios for incidence of CKD according to the median CRP values along...
Index-hospitalization direct medical Costs between CRC patients who underwent two surgical approache...
Cost classifications of individual stages, based on disease stage and type of care.</p
<p>Neonatal morbidities and interventions in the LCC and non-LCC groups and the odds ratios for LCC....
<p>The clinicopathologic characteristics of 202 cases of primary CRC patients used in this study.</p
<p>Flowchart of selected CRC patients to determine the frequency and prognostic value of EMAST.</p
<p>Univariate risk evaluations for recurrence and survival in colorectal cancer patients.</p
Histological outcomes and number of colposcopies performed per CIN2+/CIN3+ case detected in the inte...
Crude and adjusted clinical VL incidence risk ratios (IRR), and observed number of confirmed VL case...
The CRP level associated with antibiotics utilization between 10 divisions of Pediatrics in two peri...