Average value response (mean ± standard deviation), before and after completing the practical activities.</p
Input values of repeated measurements presented by the mean and standard deviation—Segmental analysi...
<p>Mean accuracy and reaction times (standard deviation) under each condition.</p
<p>Mean values and standard deviations (in parenthesis) of cumulative percentages of correct respons...
Mean response times (ms) and standard deviations for each condition for the total sample, females, a...
Mean value, standard deviation, RII and rank of each factor based on the type of respondent.</p
<p>Standard deviation of the estimated response duration produced by the different methods.</p
<p>Mean and standard error of response variables (raw values) by treatment and over time.</p
<p>Mean (standard deviation) percentage of correct responses for experts and novices in the Control ...
Mean reaction times for correct responses (ms) for experiment 1, with standard deviation in parenthe...
Means and standard deviations for all outcome variables by condition and time.</p
Mean, standard deviation and n values for the variables measures in this study.</p
<p>Results of the trajectories performed with the Average ± Standard Deviation (SD).</p
<p>Average of the answer counts in percent ± standard deviation for each stimulus in the identificat...
Mean ± standard deviation for counter movement jump, squat jump and drop jump variables.</p
<p>Mean (standard deviation) percentage of correct responses for experts and novices in the Fixate T...
Input values of repeated measurements presented by the mean and standard deviation—Segmental analysi...
<p>Mean accuracy and reaction times (standard deviation) under each condition.</p
<p>Mean values and standard deviations (in parenthesis) of cumulative percentages of correct respons...
Mean response times (ms) and standard deviations for each condition for the total sample, females, a...
Mean value, standard deviation, RII and rank of each factor based on the type of respondent.</p
<p>Standard deviation of the estimated response duration produced by the different methods.</p
<p>Mean and standard error of response variables (raw values) by treatment and over time.</p
<p>Mean (standard deviation) percentage of correct responses for experts and novices in the Control ...
Mean reaction times for correct responses (ms) for experiment 1, with standard deviation in parenthe...
Means and standard deviations for all outcome variables by condition and time.</p
Mean, standard deviation and n values for the variables measures in this study.</p
<p>Results of the trajectories performed with the Average ± Standard Deviation (SD).</p
<p>Average of the answer counts in percent ± standard deviation for each stimulus in the identificat...
Mean ± standard deviation for counter movement jump, squat jump and drop jump variables.</p
<p>Mean (standard deviation) percentage of correct responses for experts and novices in the Fixate T...
Input values of repeated measurements presented by the mean and standard deviation—Segmental analysi...
<p>Mean accuracy and reaction times (standard deviation) under each condition.</p
<p>Mean values and standard deviations (in parenthesis) of cumulative percentages of correct respons...