An equivalent, intuitive, derivation of R0 for anophelene mosquitoes. (DOCX 18 kb
Additional details of model development, simplification, parameterization, and analysis. (PDF 374Â k...
Text 1. Additional Methods. Text 2. Additional model fits. Figure S1. Fitting models to the dry and ...
Set of primers used for the expression and amplification of detoxification enzymes q-PCR. (DOCX 14 k...
A mathematically-rigorous derivation of R0 for anophelene mosquitoes. (PDF 141 kb
Algorithim used for the numerical simulations of the mathematical models that indicates the steps ne...
Maxent response curves for the mosquito habitat suitability models. A compilation of figures that sh...
Figure S2. Releases after 4 years are ineffective. The number of female mosquitoes through time, if ...
Table S2. Mean % mortality (95% CI) of An. arabiensis populations from four study areas exposed to s...
Mathematical model description. Additional file contains the model description, model equations and ...
Table S1. Mean % mortality (95% CI) of female An. arabiensis populations from the four study areas e...
Figure S1. A uniform release programme. The 424 release locations used to compare a stratified relea...
Figure S4 The effect of dry season ecology on the fraction of different population types. Bars show ...
Percent survival over 50Â days of D. melanogaster flies injected with controls or X. nematophila. (P...
TaqMan screening of the Rdlr genotypes in wild An. funestus (s.s.) from Kpome showing a high presenc...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Distribution of An. culicifacies sibling species from Keshal sub distri...
Additional details of model development, simplification, parameterization, and analysis. (PDF 374Â k...
Text 1. Additional Methods. Text 2. Additional model fits. Figure S1. Fitting models to the dry and ...
Set of primers used for the expression and amplification of detoxification enzymes q-PCR. (DOCX 14 k...
A mathematically-rigorous derivation of R0 for anophelene mosquitoes. (PDF 141 kb
Algorithim used for the numerical simulations of the mathematical models that indicates the steps ne...
Maxent response curves for the mosquito habitat suitability models. A compilation of figures that sh...
Figure S2. Releases after 4 years are ineffective. The number of female mosquitoes through time, if ...
Table S2. Mean % mortality (95% CI) of An. arabiensis populations from four study areas exposed to s...
Mathematical model description. Additional file contains the model description, model equations and ...
Table S1. Mean % mortality (95% CI) of female An. arabiensis populations from the four study areas e...
Figure S1. A uniform release programme. The 424 release locations used to compare a stratified relea...
Figure S4 The effect of dry season ecology on the fraction of different population types. Bars show ...
Percent survival over 50Â days of D. melanogaster flies injected with controls or X. nematophila. (P...
TaqMan screening of the Rdlr genotypes in wild An. funestus (s.s.) from Kpome showing a high presenc...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Distribution of An. culicifacies sibling species from Keshal sub distri...
Additional details of model development, simplification, parameterization, and analysis. (PDF 374Â k...
Text 1. Additional Methods. Text 2. Additional model fits. Figure S1. Fitting models to the dry and ...
Set of primers used for the expression and amplification of detoxification enzymes q-PCR. (DOCX 14 k...