Table S1. Median and 95% confidence intervals of validation indicators (TSS, AUC and PCC) for the modelling approaches tested: generalized linear models (GLM), generalized additive models (GAM), boosted regression trees (GBM), artificial neural networks (ANN), multiple adaptive regression splines (MARS), maximum entropy (MAXENT) and random forest (RF). Figure S1. Distribution of communities reporting Buruli ulcer in Ghana (2007–2010) and Cameroon (2003–2015) over a gridded map of predicted distribution of Hemiptera families. Figure S2. Variable contribution of final ensemble models based on GBM and RF algorithms for the Naucoridae, Belostomatidae and Notonectidae. Figure S3. Variable contribution of final ensemble models based on GBM and RF...
Table S1. Description of the types of changes made to update survey locations. Table S2 Estimated pa...
Table S2. Abundance of mosquito species for all months. Table S3. Abundance of mosquito species for ...
Complete heat maps and tables. Long-term program duration (mean T) required to reach ≤ 2 % Schistoso...
Figure S1. Environmental suitability for the Naucoridae across Africa and prediction uncertainty (95...
Table S1. Recorded occurrences for the family Naucoridae. Table S2. Recorded occurrences for the Bel...
Table S1. Environmental data summary. Table S2. Correlation coefficients for NDVI and LST, 2007–2011...
Text S1. Analysis of residual spatial dependence. Text S2. Model specification. Table S1. Number of ...
Environmental and demographic covariates used in the geostatistical modelling. Table S3. Description...
Characteristics of surveys used to develop the mf and ICT models. Standardization of mf prevalence b...
Figure S1. Distribution maps of the dominant Anopheles vectors in Europe and the Mediterranean area:...
Maxent response curves for the mosquito habitat suitability models. A compilation of figures that sh...
Description of the calculation of carrying capacity, approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) methods ...
Background: Biting aquatic insects belonging to the order Hemiptera have been suggested as potential...
Table S1. Environmental layers considered for use in the mosquito species distribution models. A lis...
Markov model equations, model parameters and additional tables and figures. Text S1. Markov model fo...
Table S1. Description of the types of changes made to update survey locations. Table S2 Estimated pa...
Table S2. Abundance of mosquito species for all months. Table S3. Abundance of mosquito species for ...
Complete heat maps and tables. Long-term program duration (mean T) required to reach ≤ 2 % Schistoso...
Figure S1. Environmental suitability for the Naucoridae across Africa and prediction uncertainty (95...
Table S1. Recorded occurrences for the family Naucoridae. Table S2. Recorded occurrences for the Bel...
Table S1. Environmental data summary. Table S2. Correlation coefficients for NDVI and LST, 2007–2011...
Text S1. Analysis of residual spatial dependence. Text S2. Model specification. Table S1. Number of ...
Environmental and demographic covariates used in the geostatistical modelling. Table S3. Description...
Characteristics of surveys used to develop the mf and ICT models. Standardization of mf prevalence b...
Figure S1. Distribution maps of the dominant Anopheles vectors in Europe and the Mediterranean area:...
Maxent response curves for the mosquito habitat suitability models. A compilation of figures that sh...
Description of the calculation of carrying capacity, approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) methods ...
Background: Biting aquatic insects belonging to the order Hemiptera have been suggested as potential...
Table S1. Environmental layers considered for use in the mosquito species distribution models. A lis...
Markov model equations, model parameters and additional tables and figures. Text S1. Markov model fo...
Table S1. Description of the types of changes made to update survey locations. Table S2 Estimated pa...
Table S2. Abundance of mosquito species for all months. Table S3. Abundance of mosquito species for ...
Complete heat maps and tables. Long-term program duration (mean T) required to reach ≤ 2 % Schistoso...