Tables showing all genes in the regions spanned by significant SNPs for each peak. Gene information was obtained from the Phytomine tool in Phytozome v3.0. (ZIP 8760 kb
Pedigree information, subpopulations, stalk traits BLUP values, and information of RNA-Seq reads for...
Adaptation of domesticated species to diverse agroclimatic regions has led to abundant trait diversi...
Quantitative PCR plots of the selected expressed genes for technical validation. (TIF 114 kb
Top candidate genes from PhytoMine and literature for 213 GWAS peaks. (XLSX 232 kb
Summary of pairwise LD across the ten chromosomes of S. bicolor in our GWAS diversity panel. (XLSX 1...
Average SNP allele effects for each GWAS peak by trait and treatment. (XLSX 50 kb
Potential evapotranspiration (ETo) and Irrigation water applications by treatment and date ranges in...
Abstract Background Sorghum bicolor is the fifth most commonly grown cereal worldwide and is remarka...
Genetic distribution of SNPs discovered using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) in CK60 x China17 popul...
LD plots of genomic regions containing significant SNPs and adjacent candidate genes. Significant SN...
Description of the SNP position and SNP features on the sorghum chromosomes and validation of the bi...
The list of differentially expressed genes identified between CK60 and China17 using RNA-seq. (xls 1...
Description of transcripts retrieved from sorghum bicolor genome v 1.0. (XLSX 7247 kb
Primer sequences for selected variants to be used in building of integrated database. (XLSX 5540 kb
Description of drought responsive genes associated with different types of sorghum QTLs based on com...
Pedigree information, subpopulations, stalk traits BLUP values, and information of RNA-Seq reads for...
Adaptation of domesticated species to diverse agroclimatic regions has led to abundant trait diversi...
Quantitative PCR plots of the selected expressed genes for technical validation. (TIF 114 kb
Top candidate genes from PhytoMine and literature for 213 GWAS peaks. (XLSX 232 kb
Summary of pairwise LD across the ten chromosomes of S. bicolor in our GWAS diversity panel. (XLSX 1...
Average SNP allele effects for each GWAS peak by trait and treatment. (XLSX 50 kb
Potential evapotranspiration (ETo) and Irrigation water applications by treatment and date ranges in...
Abstract Background Sorghum bicolor is the fifth most commonly grown cereal worldwide and is remarka...
Genetic distribution of SNPs discovered using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) in CK60 x China17 popul...
LD plots of genomic regions containing significant SNPs and adjacent candidate genes. Significant SN...
Description of the SNP position and SNP features on the sorghum chromosomes and validation of the bi...
The list of differentially expressed genes identified between CK60 and China17 using RNA-seq. (xls 1...
Description of transcripts retrieved from sorghum bicolor genome v 1.0. (XLSX 7247 kb
Primer sequences for selected variants to be used in building of integrated database. (XLSX 5540 kb
Description of drought responsive genes associated with different types of sorghum QTLs based on com...
Pedigree information, subpopulations, stalk traits BLUP values, and information of RNA-Seq reads for...
Adaptation of domesticated species to diverse agroclimatic regions has led to abundant trait diversi...
Quantitative PCR plots of the selected expressed genes for technical validation. (TIF 114 kb