a) 2014–2015, b) 2015–2016, c) 2016–2017, and d) 2017–2018. The bar graph indicates accumulated rainfalls per month (mm), and the line the average temperature per month (°C). *Precipitation gage was not working properly; this value is a distance-weighted average of nearby Bureau of Reclamation AgriMet Echo site (45.7186o N. Lat., 119.3111 o W. Lon.) and Citizens Weather Observer Program DW8844 site (45.7255o N. Lat., 118.9250 o W. Lon.).</p
The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) provided local precipitation proxies for March – August and...
This database entry represents a comprehensive compilation of monthly weather station records for pr...
<p>The mean long-term monthly rainfall and temperature for the six SUDV spillover locations are depi...
<p>Yearly anomalies (deviations from the long-term -1994 to 2016- mean) in the annual accumulated pr...
A. Monthly variation in mean daily temperatures, mean daily minimum temperatures, and mean daily min...
<p>Monthly precipitation (bar) and air temperature (curve) of the experimental site in 2011 and 2013...
(A) Accumulated precipitation (September 2015-March 2016) and mean historical precipitation ± SD (19...
The red dotted line shows the average temperature for the region over this period and the blue dashe...
<p>Fogarty Creek and Cape Blanco North climatologies (black lines) were averaged from 1999 to 2014, ...
<p>AP, Annual precipitation; MAT, Mean annual temperature; GP, Growing-season precipitation; MGT, Me...
<p>The mean values calculated from 1967 to 2009 are indicated with a broken line.</p
Abstract Comprehensive monthly weather station databases are the foundation for many gridded climate...
Total monthly precipitation (mm) with 30-year normal in parentheses at Environment Canada automated ...
The standardized precipitation index SPI (McKee et al. 1993) was designed to standardize precipitati...
Monthly mean rainfall, maximum, and minimum temperatures of the experimental site during 2021/2022 c...
The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) provided local precipitation proxies for March – August and...
This database entry represents a comprehensive compilation of monthly weather station records for pr...
<p>The mean long-term monthly rainfall and temperature for the six SUDV spillover locations are depi...
<p>Yearly anomalies (deviations from the long-term -1994 to 2016- mean) in the annual accumulated pr...
A. Monthly variation in mean daily temperatures, mean daily minimum temperatures, and mean daily min...
<p>Monthly precipitation (bar) and air temperature (curve) of the experimental site in 2011 and 2013...
(A) Accumulated precipitation (September 2015-March 2016) and mean historical precipitation ± SD (19...
The red dotted line shows the average temperature for the region over this period and the blue dashe...
<p>Fogarty Creek and Cape Blanco North climatologies (black lines) were averaged from 1999 to 2014, ...
<p>AP, Annual precipitation; MAT, Mean annual temperature; GP, Growing-season precipitation; MGT, Me...
<p>The mean values calculated from 1967 to 2009 are indicated with a broken line.</p
Abstract Comprehensive monthly weather station databases are the foundation for many gridded climate...
Total monthly precipitation (mm) with 30-year normal in parentheses at Environment Canada automated ...
The standardized precipitation index SPI (McKee et al. 1993) was designed to standardize precipitati...
Monthly mean rainfall, maximum, and minimum temperatures of the experimental site during 2021/2022 c...
The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) provided local precipitation proxies for March – August and...
This database entry represents a comprehensive compilation of monthly weather station records for pr...
<p>The mean long-term monthly rainfall and temperature for the six SUDV spillover locations are depi...