RMSE of different similarity measures with different K on Movielens 100K dataset.</p
Comparison of classification accuracies of dataset 1 with different classifiers.</p
Classification accuracy of different projection dimensions on the HAM10000 dataset.</p
<p>Text Similarity Measures, Implementations, and Score Ranges before Normalizing.</p
Comparison of precision, recall and F-measure between different RS’s using MovieLens dataset.</p
Comparison of Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between different RS’s using MovieLens dataset.</p
Comparison of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), precision, recall and F-measure between different RS’s usin...
Similarity percentages (SIMPER) indicating the most abundant genera contributing to the discriminati...
<p>Comparisons of the results obtained using different similarity computation measures in the produc...
Distances each system score has from the ideal situation (absolute similarity).</p
<p>The distribution of number of ratings over users on the MovieLens dataset.</p
<p>Similarity matrices calculated by RNRM and RNRM ++ using two different edge weighting methods.</p
The accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity measurements for all similarity measures with LAMFP for a...
Comparison of accuracy and feature dimension under different methods based on mRMR.</p
<p>The RMSE with different damping coefficient values in the PageRank algorithm.</p
Comparison of classification accuracies of dataset 2 with different classifiers.</p
Comparison of classification accuracies of dataset 1 with different classifiers.</p
Classification accuracy of different projection dimensions on the HAM10000 dataset.</p
<p>Text Similarity Measures, Implementations, and Score Ranges before Normalizing.</p
Comparison of precision, recall and F-measure between different RS’s using MovieLens dataset.</p
Comparison of Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between different RS’s using MovieLens dataset.</p
Comparison of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), precision, recall and F-measure between different RS’s usin...
Similarity percentages (SIMPER) indicating the most abundant genera contributing to the discriminati...
<p>Comparisons of the results obtained using different similarity computation measures in the produc...
Distances each system score has from the ideal situation (absolute similarity).</p
<p>The distribution of number of ratings over users on the MovieLens dataset.</p
<p>Similarity matrices calculated by RNRM and RNRM ++ using two different edge weighting methods.</p
The accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity measurements for all similarity measures with LAMFP for a...
Comparison of accuracy and feature dimension under different methods based on mRMR.</p
<p>The RMSE with different damping coefficient values in the PageRank algorithm.</p
Comparison of classification accuracies of dataset 2 with different classifiers.</p
Comparison of classification accuracies of dataset 1 with different classifiers.</p
Classification accuracy of different projection dimensions on the HAM10000 dataset.</p
<p>Text Similarity Measures, Implementations, and Score Ranges before Normalizing.</p