The color gradient of defaunation ranges from most intensive in yellow and least intensive in blue.</p
Mammals represent the largest-bodied elements of the world's surviving megafauna and provide several...
Bivariate and multiple regression models predicting overall defaunation of medium- to large-bodied m...
<p><b>Maps showing the climatic suitability for the White-eared Opossum, D. albiventris (at left), a...
Red represents above-average assemblage-level defaunation; orange above-average defaunation excludin...
Red lines indicate mean values. Inset map (lower right) shows the geographic distribution of Atlanti...
The insets represent the total area (y-axis) under different levels of defaunation (x-axis, from DI ...
Raster maps of hunting-induced defaunation across the tropics for all, large ( > 20kg), medium (1-20...
Red lines indicate mean values. Inset map (lower right) shows the geographic distribution of Atlanti...
Defaunation, originally conceived as the loss of large vertebrates due to hunting or fragmentation, ...
Colors range from green (low relative number of species with DI >0.7) to red (high relative number o...
The insets represent the total area of forest (y-axis) predicted to be defaunated (DI > 0.1, red) an...
(A) Provincial scale distribution of the overall defaunation index of medium- to large-bodied mammal...
Overall defaunation index of medium- to large-bodied Atlantic Forest mammals in relation to (A) the ...
Spatial distribution of the 497 mammalian mammal assemblages across the Atlantic Forest biome of Sou...
The dashed gray line indicates the mean DI across the pantropical forest zone. The y-axes have diffe...
Mammals represent the largest-bodied elements of the world's surviving megafauna and provide several...
Bivariate and multiple regression models predicting overall defaunation of medium- to large-bodied m...
<p><b>Maps showing the climatic suitability for the White-eared Opossum, D. albiventris (at left), a...
Red represents above-average assemblage-level defaunation; orange above-average defaunation excludin...
Red lines indicate mean values. Inset map (lower right) shows the geographic distribution of Atlanti...
The insets represent the total area (y-axis) under different levels of defaunation (x-axis, from DI ...
Raster maps of hunting-induced defaunation across the tropics for all, large ( > 20kg), medium (1-20...
Red lines indicate mean values. Inset map (lower right) shows the geographic distribution of Atlanti...
Defaunation, originally conceived as the loss of large vertebrates due to hunting or fragmentation, ...
Colors range from green (low relative number of species with DI >0.7) to red (high relative number o...
The insets represent the total area of forest (y-axis) predicted to be defaunated (DI > 0.1, red) an...
(A) Provincial scale distribution of the overall defaunation index of medium- to large-bodied mammal...
Overall defaunation index of medium- to large-bodied Atlantic Forest mammals in relation to (A) the ...
Spatial distribution of the 497 mammalian mammal assemblages across the Atlantic Forest biome of Sou...
The dashed gray line indicates the mean DI across the pantropical forest zone. The y-axes have diffe...
Mammals represent the largest-bodied elements of the world's surviving megafauna and provide several...
Bivariate and multiple regression models predicting overall defaunation of medium- to large-bodied m...
<p><b>Maps showing the climatic suitability for the White-eared Opossum, D. albiventris (at left), a...