wBm0152 expression inhibits endosomal traffic to the yeast vacuole.

  • Emily M. Carpinone (5798246)
  • Zhiru Li (295010)
  • Michael K. Mills (5798249)
  • Clemence Foltz (5798252)
  • Emma R. Brannon (5798255)
  • Clotilde K. S. Carlow (111245)
  • Vincent J. Starai (378450)
Publication date
September 2018
Public Library of Science (PLoS)


BY4742 yeast strains modified with GEV for β-estradiol-dependent induction of GAL promoters (Materials and Methods), and harboring (A) GFP-CPS plasmid or (B) Sna3-GFP plasmid in addition to pYES2/NT A control plasmid or pYES2/NT A wBm0152 were grown to saturation in CSM-lysine-uracil medium. Cells were subcultured to CSM-lysine-uracil with and without the addition of 1 μM β-estradiol and grown for 6h at 30°C. Cells were stained with 10 μM FM4-64 dye for 20 minutes at 30°C and chased 1.5h in CSM-lysine-uracil medium at 30°C. Cells were visualized, and representative images are shown. Bar = 3 μ. Inset in (A) magnifies the cell denoted by the arrow to better visualize the GFP-CPS trafficking defect in cells expressing wBm0152; images are repre...

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