Table S7. Down-regulated and up-regulated genes in different pathways. (XLSX 65 kb
Figure S1. The phenotype of snfl1 mutant. (A-B) Plants of WT and snfl1 in the field. (C) A culm of W...
Mutation in OsPHR3 does not affect the lateral root development under different NH4+ regimes. (PDF 1...
Table S1. Identified genes that control root growth and development in rice. (DOC 122 kb
Figure S8. Down-regulated and up-regulated genes in the most significantly enriched pathways in nrtp...
Table S3. Expression levels of all genes. The expression levels (FPKM) of each gene in three replica...
Table S4. Differentially expressed genes in nrtp1-D. The expression levels of each gene in the table...
Figure S5. RT-PCR analysis of NRTP1 expression after SA and JA treatments. Untreated roots are posit...
Figure S1. Protein sequence of NRTP1. Domains are marked by different colors. A substitution from As...
Figure S2. Amino acid alignment of NRTP1 with other CC-NB-LRR proteins identified in rice. Substitut...
Figure S3. dCAPS marker for molecular identification. (A) DNA sequences of wild type and mutant. The...
Figure S4. Co-segregation of phenotype and genotype. All the homozygous mutants produced higher mobi...
Table S2. Summary of sequencing data for each sample. Valid data were obtained after removing adapto...
Figure S6. Phenotypes of transgenic plants overexpressing NRTP1. (A) Comparison of phenotypes betwee...
Figure S9. NO and H2O2 contents in leaves and root tips of 7-d-old wild type and homozygous nrtp1-D....
GO enrichment analysis of global jiDE genes of the NM combination. (XLSX 57Â kb) (XLSX 52Â kb
Figure S1. The phenotype of snfl1 mutant. (A-B) Plants of WT and snfl1 in the field. (C) A culm of W...
Mutation in OsPHR3 does not affect the lateral root development under different NH4+ regimes. (PDF 1...
Table S1. Identified genes that control root growth and development in rice. (DOC 122 kb
Figure S8. Down-regulated and up-regulated genes in the most significantly enriched pathways in nrtp...
Table S3. Expression levels of all genes. The expression levels (FPKM) of each gene in three replica...
Table S4. Differentially expressed genes in nrtp1-D. The expression levels of each gene in the table...
Figure S5. RT-PCR analysis of NRTP1 expression after SA and JA treatments. Untreated roots are posit...
Figure S1. Protein sequence of NRTP1. Domains are marked by different colors. A substitution from As...
Figure S2. Amino acid alignment of NRTP1 with other CC-NB-LRR proteins identified in rice. Substitut...
Figure S3. dCAPS marker for molecular identification. (A) DNA sequences of wild type and mutant. The...
Figure S4. Co-segregation of phenotype and genotype. All the homozygous mutants produced higher mobi...
Table S2. Summary of sequencing data for each sample. Valid data were obtained after removing adapto...
Figure S6. Phenotypes of transgenic plants overexpressing NRTP1. (A) Comparison of phenotypes betwee...
Figure S9. NO and H2O2 contents in leaves and root tips of 7-d-old wild type and homozygous nrtp1-D....
GO enrichment analysis of global jiDE genes of the NM combination. (XLSX 57Â kb) (XLSX 52Â kb
Figure S1. The phenotype of snfl1 mutant. (A-B) Plants of WT and snfl1 in the field. (C) A culm of W...
Mutation in OsPHR3 does not affect the lateral root development under different NH4+ regimes. (PDF 1...
Table S1. Identified genes that control root growth and development in rice. (DOC 122 kb