Morphological and tail color measurements for 969 Dendropsophus ebraccatus tadpoles raised in one of three predator treatments (fish cues, insect cues or no predator cues [control]). See ReadMe file for a description of the variables
Agalychnis callidryas swimming performance after being raised with different predators in Gamboa, Pa...
<p>Experimental temperatures, sample size (N), total tadpole length in mm (TTL±SE), and maximum swim...
Morphometric measurements of tadpoles of Scinax juruena sp. nov. (lot ABAM 4101).</p
Morphological and tail color measurements for 969 Dendropsophus ebraccatus tadpoles raised in one of...
<p>(a) A tadpole of our study species, the red-eyed treefrog <i>Agalychnis callidryas</i>, shown wit...
Morphological measurements of Agalychnis callidryas tadpoles reared in one of 5 predator treatments ...
Code to calculate estimated marginal means of different aspects of the phenotype of Dendropsophus eb...
<p>Relative <i>Agalychnis callidryas</i> body pigmentation for tadpoles raised in predator-free cont...
<p>Predator treatments influenced the allometric scaling relationship between body length and tail m...
Code to analyze the effects of predator treatment on phenotypes produced by Dendropsophus ebraccatus...
This data originates from a laboratory study on Pelvicachromis taeniatus. In a split-clutch design, ...
Changes in environmental conditions can induce organisms to alter their morphology, behavior and lif...
ID = individuals tadpole identifier; Pond = Pond the tadpole originated from; Predator Community = T...
Predation is a primary driver of tadpole assemblages, and the activity rate is a good predictor of t...
Phenotypic plasticity is the result of environmental factors interacting with genes to influence the...
Agalychnis callidryas swimming performance after being raised with different predators in Gamboa, Pa...
<p>Experimental temperatures, sample size (N), total tadpole length in mm (TTL±SE), and maximum swim...
Morphometric measurements of tadpoles of Scinax juruena sp. nov. (lot ABAM 4101).</p
Morphological and tail color measurements for 969 Dendropsophus ebraccatus tadpoles raised in one of...
<p>(a) A tadpole of our study species, the red-eyed treefrog <i>Agalychnis callidryas</i>, shown wit...
Morphological measurements of Agalychnis callidryas tadpoles reared in one of 5 predator treatments ...
Code to calculate estimated marginal means of different aspects of the phenotype of Dendropsophus eb...
<p>Relative <i>Agalychnis callidryas</i> body pigmentation for tadpoles raised in predator-free cont...
<p>Predator treatments influenced the allometric scaling relationship between body length and tail m...
Code to analyze the effects of predator treatment on phenotypes produced by Dendropsophus ebraccatus...
This data originates from a laboratory study on Pelvicachromis taeniatus. In a split-clutch design, ...
Changes in environmental conditions can induce organisms to alter their morphology, behavior and lif...
ID = individuals tadpole identifier; Pond = Pond the tadpole originated from; Predator Community = T...
Predation is a primary driver of tadpole assemblages, and the activity rate is a good predictor of t...
Phenotypic plasticity is the result of environmental factors interacting with genes to influence the...
Agalychnis callidryas swimming performance after being raised with different predators in Gamboa, Pa...
<p>Experimental temperatures, sample size (N), total tadpole length in mm (TTL±SE), and maximum swim...
Morphometric measurements of tadpoles of Scinax juruena sp. nov. (lot ABAM 4101).</p