Disease burden (100% of prevalence averted) due to all NCDs in the United States in 2015–2050 for different measures of economic performance.</p
Number of NCD medicines with available data on consumption and prices, by disease category and count...
Crude prevalences of NCDs by number of chronic conditions for each study year in urban regions are s...
Twenty NTDs (as defined by the WHO) were assessed in each country to see whether the disease was abs...
Estimates of GDP that could be gained per percent reduction in disease prevalence in the United Stat...
We develop and calibrate a dynamic production function model to assess how noncommunicable diseases ...
Prevalence and mortality rates, deaths, and DALYs by NCD categories in the United Statesa.</p
Consumption of NCD medicines, DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day, by specific health conditions in 201...
We develop and calibrate a dynamic production function model to assess how noncommunicable diseases ...
<p>SR Self-reported; UD Undiagnosed.</p><p>Two-tailed significance test from zero were performed. P-...
Estimates of foregone GDP due to the five leading NCDs and due to all NCDs excluding the treatment c...
<p>Ranking by Disease Burden (DALYs) and Comparison of Total NTDs with HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and M...
Macroeconomic burden of NMHs by country and year (as a percentage of yearly GDP).</p
The non-communicable disease (NCD) epidemic, which is expected to increase in the future, has a seri...
Non-fatal outcomes of disease and injury increasingly detract from the ability of the world’s popula...
<p>Estimated economic burden of non-bloody diarrhea hospitalizations from 2008–2011 and in 2014 in U...
Number of NCD medicines with available data on consumption and prices, by disease category and count...
Crude prevalences of NCDs by number of chronic conditions for each study year in urban regions are s...
Twenty NTDs (as defined by the WHO) were assessed in each country to see whether the disease was abs...
Estimates of GDP that could be gained per percent reduction in disease prevalence in the United Stat...
We develop and calibrate a dynamic production function model to assess how noncommunicable diseases ...
Prevalence and mortality rates, deaths, and DALYs by NCD categories in the United Statesa.</p
Consumption of NCD medicines, DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day, by specific health conditions in 201...
We develop and calibrate a dynamic production function model to assess how noncommunicable diseases ...
<p>SR Self-reported; UD Undiagnosed.</p><p>Two-tailed significance test from zero were performed. P-...
Estimates of foregone GDP due to the five leading NCDs and due to all NCDs excluding the treatment c...
<p>Ranking by Disease Burden (DALYs) and Comparison of Total NTDs with HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and M...
Macroeconomic burden of NMHs by country and year (as a percentage of yearly GDP).</p
The non-communicable disease (NCD) epidemic, which is expected to increase in the future, has a seri...
Non-fatal outcomes of disease and injury increasingly detract from the ability of the world’s popula...
<p>Estimated economic burden of non-bloody diarrhea hospitalizations from 2008–2011 and in 2014 in U...
Number of NCD medicines with available data on consumption and prices, by disease category and count...
Crude prevalences of NCDs by number of chronic conditions for each study year in urban regions are s...
Twenty NTDs (as defined by the WHO) were assessed in each country to see whether the disease was abs...