Taxonomic affiliation and percentage sequence similarities of native isolates with closest relatives from the Genbank database.</p
<p>Numbers at the node are bootstrap values based on 1000 re-samplings. The scale bar represents per...
<p>Comparative matches for the closest phylogenetic neighbours obtained for the isolates based on pr...
Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of GYLH001 based on 16S rRNA sequences analysis.</p
<p>Percentage sequence similarity of bacterial isolates with their closest taxonomic relatives in NC...
Phylogenetic relationships by a neighboring analysis of the 16S rRNA sequences showing the position ...
<p>Comparative matches for the closest phylogenetic neighbours obtained for the isolates based on pr...
<p>Similarity of representative sequences from the 25 most abundant OTUs to sequences in GenBank.</p
<p>Relative abundance of shared taxa at the genus and family levels of taxonomic resolution.</p
<p>Sequence similarity of our query sample and most similar sequences available at Genbank for gene ...
Taxa and GenBank accession numbers for DNA sequences used in phylogenetic analyses.</p
GenBank accession number information of sequences used in Tm-SPE phylogeny analysis.</p
<p>The phylogenetic tree was obtained by Neighbor-Joining analysis. (Black circle), reference strain...
*<p>Abundant taxa from this study for which highest-scoring alignments match sequences from the envi...
Phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide sequence of VP1 gene of Egyptian isolates and other re...
<p>Strains and their sequences from GenBank (NCBI) used in phylogenetic analysis.</p
<p>Numbers at the node are bootstrap values based on 1000 re-samplings. The scale bar represents per...
<p>Comparative matches for the closest phylogenetic neighbours obtained for the isolates based on pr...
Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of GYLH001 based on 16S rRNA sequences analysis.</p
<p>Percentage sequence similarity of bacterial isolates with their closest taxonomic relatives in NC...
Phylogenetic relationships by a neighboring analysis of the 16S rRNA sequences showing the position ...
<p>Comparative matches for the closest phylogenetic neighbours obtained for the isolates based on pr...
<p>Similarity of representative sequences from the 25 most abundant OTUs to sequences in GenBank.</p
<p>Relative abundance of shared taxa at the genus and family levels of taxonomic resolution.</p
<p>Sequence similarity of our query sample and most similar sequences available at Genbank for gene ...
Taxa and GenBank accession numbers for DNA sequences used in phylogenetic analyses.</p
GenBank accession number information of sequences used in Tm-SPE phylogeny analysis.</p
<p>The phylogenetic tree was obtained by Neighbor-Joining analysis. (Black circle), reference strain...
*<p>Abundant taxa from this study for which highest-scoring alignments match sequences from the envi...
Phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide sequence of VP1 gene of Egyptian isolates and other re...
<p>Strains and their sequences from GenBank (NCBI) used in phylogenetic analysis.</p
<p>Numbers at the node are bootstrap values based on 1000 re-samplings. The scale bar represents per...
<p>Comparative matches for the closest phylogenetic neighbours obtained for the isolates based on pr...
Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of GYLH001 based on 16S rRNA sequences analysis.</p